Tale of Two Barrys

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"I think Hartley's gauntlets are still shaking my brain," Caitlin says, walking into the cortex.

"This is not how I expected today to turn out," Cisco says, pointing at both Barrys.

The Barry in the Flash suit starts pointing to the Barry by the door. "I-I'm sorry, who are you?"

Caitlin looks at the Barry in the Flash suit that has a white emblem on it, which is not on the Flash suit Barry wears.

"Who is he? Who are you?" She points at him.

"Wha-What? I'm Barry," he starts trying to say. "I'm Barry I-your Barry, I he's"

"Doppelganger," Cisco said, his voice shaky.

"No, not yet." Barry by the door answers. "I am...you, Barry, just different."

"Wait a second, how do we know which one's the real Barry?" Cisco asks, still pointing at both Barrys as if that's keeping them in place.

"What? Okay I've watched Toy Story 3 with you like five times and told nobody." Barry in the suit says.

"Imposter!" Cisco turns to Barry by the door.

"Yeah and at the end you always get in front of the TV and say 'so long, partner' in a bad cowboy accent." Barry by the door says.

"You, imposter!" Cisco points to Barry in the suit.

Caitlin looks between the two, still kind of convinced she's suffering from some head injury.

"What is going on here?" Cisco whines.

"I'm sorry guys," Barry by the door starts. "The tranq dart Caitlin gave me was supposed to last longer and he was never supposed to,"

"I-I did not give him a tranq dart." Caitlin defends.

"No no, not you Caitlin. My Caitlin. The Caitlin from the time that I am from." Barry says.

Barry in the suit, Cisco, and Caitlin all stop and turn to Barry by the door.

"The...time...that you are from?" Barry in the suit asks.

"I think what he's trying to say is he's from the future." Wells interjects, wheeling in front of the three from the present.

"The fu-" Caitlin starts.

"Yes," Wells answers.

"The fut-"


"Wait, the futu-"

"Yes." He says, widening his eyes at her.

"Are we saying I can time travel?" Present Barry asks?

"One day." Future Barry answers, smirking at him.

"Can we keep the white symbol?" Cisco asks.

"No," Wells scolds. "We cannot do anything, and you," he points at future Barry, "the more you say the more you disrupt, so I'm going to assume your presence here is the reason that thing is attacking us."

"What thing?" Present Barry asks.

"Ghosty. Flying dust skeleton. Naked dementor." Cisco lists off, while present Barry nods. "Picture that."

"How did it get here?" Present Barry asks.

"It's been following me since before I got here." Future Barry says.

"So how do we stop it?" Present Barry asks.

"We don't know." Cisco says, finally starting to calm down.

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