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Caitlin was standing in line for coffee at Jitters. Barry hadn't shown up for their morning coffee and Cisco was busy with his morning nap.

"Hey Caitlin," Iris greeted her as she got to the counter.

Caitlin smiled at her. "Morning. Large Americano please."

Caitlin paid and stepped to the side to wait for her drink.

"Don't see you in here much." Iris said while she fixed Caitlin's drink.

"I'm usually working. Barry does his testing before he goes to work, but he didn't show up this morning, so I figured I'd come in." Caitlin said, trying not to sound upset about Barry not showing up. "Is he alright?"

"He's seemed a little distracted lately, but nothing out of the ordinary really. That's just Barry. He probably just forgot." Iris explained. She had known Barry since they were kids, so Caitlin took her word. Or she would if this was the first time in the last two weeks he had forgotten, or if he hadn't been acting weird around her.

He had seemed off since the Farooq incident two weeks ago. He wasn't making eye contact with her. He had either shown up late and missed their morning coffee or not shown up for training at all. Caitlin had been making excuses to Wells for him, but she was running out of reasons to make up. When he did come to the labs, he didn't do anymore talking than he had to. Even Cisco had noticed he was off.

"Here you go." Iris handed Caitlin her drink and went back to work. On her way out Caitlin collided with someone, nearly spilling her drink on herself.

"Felicity!" Caitlin exclaimed, hugging the familiar face. Felicity was a friend of Barry's from Starling City that checked in with Caitlin often while she was taking care of Barry when he was in a coma. "What are you doing in Central City?"

"Oh you know, just visiting an old friend. Wanted to check on Barry now that he's up and around." Felicity explained, seeming a little off herself. "I'm just stopping for a cup of joe on my way to CCPD."

"Good choice." Caitlin smiled at her. "Be sure to stop by S.T.A.R. Labs on your way out. I'd love to catch up and Cisco would like to see you again, I'm sure." She waved to Felicity as she walked out and started her way back to the labs.


"Felicity this is Dr. Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon." Barry introduced the two as he entered the cortex with Felicity.

"We've met." Felicity corrects, going to hug Caitlin and Cisco.

Barry looks between the three of them confused.

"Cisco and Caitlin were in Starling City doing some work while you were in your coma. They checked in with us to let us know how you were doing." Felicity explained. "What they didn't tell me, was that you now had super speed."

"In our defense, we didn't know that while he was still asleep." Caitlin explained, moving over to her computer.

"Barry are you sure we should be sharing that fun fact with people?" Cisco questioned.

"I'm really good at keeping a secret." Felicity defended.

"Yeah, she works with the Arrow." Barry said excitedly.

"And you, apparently, are not great at keeping secrets." Felicity whispered.

"Wait so you knew we got attacked that night in Starling City?" Caitlin asks from across the room. Her and Cisco had been taking inventory at a S.T.A.R. Labs warehouse in the city when they were attacked by someone named Slade. The Arrow was the one who saved them.

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