(All)S.T.A.R. Team

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Barry's heavy breathing can be heard through the coms in S.T.A.R. Labs as Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells, who showed up at the last minute to help Barry, all fall back in their chairs, relieved that the tornado Mardon was about to run through Central City was stopped and he was captured. They turned the coms off to let Barry and his step-dad Joe have a moment since Joe just discovered Barry's ability. 

"WHOO!" Cisco yells, jumping out of his chair and starting a very interesting victory dance. 

Dr. Wells turns around and looks at Caitlin, who is still laying back in her chair, smiling with her eyes closed up at the ceiling. He looks a little longer to make sure his eyes aren't playing tricks on him, but no, they aren't. She is smiling. 

A large gust of air announces the return of Barry who rips his cowl off and hoots, adrenaline still running. 

"Did you see that!" He shouts more as a statement than a question. He laughs and continues bouncing around the room, instantly connecting with Cisco who was glad to have a victory dance buddy. Once the two calmed down, only after sandwiching Caitlin in a hug while she was still in her chair, Dr. Wells cleared his throat. 

"It appears there might be something we can do after all Mr. Allen." He smirks to the smiling trio. "You will have to be careful. You will take things slow. You need to let us train you and help you, but Barry," he states, noticing he's losing his attention. "We'll help you fix my mistake, if you're still willing." 

Barry nods, still breathing heavy. He wraps his arms around Cisco and Caitlin again. Cisco shoots out of the hug to make a declaration. 

"We shall be..." He turns to Caitlin. "Drum roll please." He clears his throat as Caitlin starts drumming on the desk, "The All Star Team!" He proudly states, eyes closed, awaiting the applause. 

The applause doesn't come. He opens one eye and scans the room to see only confused and one very disappointed face shaking her head. 

"Cisco...that's a bad name." Caitlin admits. 

"But we're in S.T.A.R. Labs, and we're a team, and" he starts to explain until Caitlin interrupts him. 

"Oh no, I know what you meant. It's still bad." She responds. "But I'm sure we'll come up with something," she finishes and Cisco breaks out into a smile. 

Barry laughs and walks up to Dr. Wells. 

"I don't think I've properly thanked you yet. For everything" Barry sticks his hand out to shake Dr. Wells'. 

Dr. Wells looks around Barry to see a laughing Cisco and a smiling Caitlin. "I am the one who should be thanking you Mr. Allen." 

"You can call me Barry." Barry smiles as him and Dr. Wells shake hands and look back at their team. 


Okay so super short chapter, but that's because the next chapter is going to be a whole different and emotional thing and it felt weird putting it all in one chapter. You'll see. 

I'm making a huge assumption here that most people who will read this have seen the show, so details on catching metas aren't always going to be necessary. Again, unless it's crucial to character relationship development, I'm not going to include a lot of detail in that area. Would you rather have more detail on those parts? If so, the amount of bad guys, and their impacts on the team will be VERY different from the show so it fits this story.

Let me know what you think!

Peace and Love! -Ali

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