Missing Suspicion

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Caitlin and Barry are sitting at Jitters early in the morning. Caitlin is picking at a muffin, not actually eating any of it. She is on her second coffee.

"No sleep last night?" Barry asks.

"Cisco woke up at three in the morning...and the anxiety meds had apparently worn off because he was off the walls. So...no. I didn't get any sleep." She gives him a fake exaggerated smile. He chuckles and goes to sip his coffee.

Iris walks up and sits next to them, her eyes unfocused.

"Iris. Are you alright?" Caitlin asks.

"Yeah. Just hit a little dead end with Mason."

Caitlin gives her a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm gonna head out guys. I think I need a nap."

Barry laughs and grabs her hand when she puts it on his shoulder before she heads out.

Iris looks over at him after he watches Caitlin walk out. "I will comment on that later because I want to know everything." She says, smiling. "But first I have to ask you something."

"Shoot." He says, turning toward her.

Her face straightens up. "Mason thinks Wells wanted the accelerator to explode. He thinks there are...a lot of things S.T.A.R. Labs is hiding. I told him he was crazy but...Barry he has some good points."

Barry scoffs, knowing how Caitlin, Cisco and Wells feel about Mason Bridge. "Like what?"

"Like, all the suspicion behind Simon Stagg's murder last year. Wells was the last one seen entering the building. And how private he is. And that all these crazy things in the city started happening after the accelerator explosion that he knew about." Iris spits out in one breath. "It all adds up. Or doesn't add up. I don't know, but I think he has a point. How much do you really know him Barry?"

"Enough, Iris. I know him enough." Barry defends. "Besides, Caitlin and Cisco trust him, and I trust them."

"I do too Barry but..." She pauses and looks down before looking back up at him. "How well do we know them?"

Barry rolls his eyes and shifts in his seat, not having another thought about it.

Caitlin shows up at Barry's office, delivering lunch.

"I thought I was the one that usually brought lunch. Not that I'm complaining." Barry says, smiling. He clears off a part of his desk to sit down and eat with her.

"Eddie wanted to talk to me, so I figured I'd bring you some lunch while I was here." Caitlin explains.

"Eddie?" Barry asks through his bite of food. "What'd he need?"

"Turns out I am Iris's only female friend. He needs my help picking something out for her."

Barry raises his eyebrows in question.

"A ring." Caitlin says, waiting to read Barry's expression.

His eyes widen. "He's gonna propose? Wow. Guess it has been a while hasn't it?"

"I mean, you were asleep for nine months of their relationship." Caitlin says, laughing lightly.

"Well I'm nervous for him." Barry admits.

Caitlin furrow her eyebrows in confusion at him. "Why?"

"He's gonna have to ask for Joe's blessing and he can be a pretty intimidating guy sometimes." Barry says, holding back a laugh.

"Joe? He's a teddy bear." Caitlin says, laughing. "But yeah, I can see where he might be scary in that situation. I'm sure Eddie will be fine. He's Joe's partner."

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