Christmas Talks

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Caitlin woke up not long after falling sleep. It was around noon and she could feel her stomach growl, but she felt a little nauseous from everything that had happened. She called Cisco to see if he wanted to meet for coffee and he agreed, having been working hard at the labs the rest of the morning since dropping Caitlin off.

After getting their coffee, they sat down in the armchairs toward the front of the shop.

"That's not him anymore is it?" Caitlin asked.

"We can try to get him back." Cisco says.

"What if he doesn't want to come back? He clearly has some kind of memory loss or dissociative problems. I can't force him to let us help him. He's lucid enough to fight back and refuse." She stops, realizing she's getting lost in the doctor side of her. "I might just risk losing him again if we try."

"Then let's wait it out. We'll see what happens. When and if you're ever ready, we can try again. Maybe he'll come back on his own." Cisco says in between sips of his coffee.

Caitlin grins and nods.

"Hey you two! Merry Christmas." Joe says as he sits down in the arm chair next to Caitlin.

"Merry Christmas," they both say in unison.

Iris comes over and joins them and they all discuss how crazy everything has gotten in town recently. Caitlin, Joe, and Cisco exchange glances every now and then, making sure to avoid leading on that they know more than they should .

"It's just so crazy. Thank God we have the Flash." Iris says, taking a drink.

Joe's eyes widen and he looks at the other two. "So what do you two have planned for Christmas? You're both more than welcome to join the West family Christmas. Barry would love to have you."

"Yeah, and dad makes the best eggnog. It's his grandma's recipe. It's to die for." Iris says, smiling.

"I'm in!" Cisco says. "I never turn down some good eggnog."

"I"m gonna have to pass guys. I spend Christmas with Wells." Caitlin answers. "Thanks though."

"Wells?" Joe asks. He has been a little suspicious of Wells recently. Even went so far as to question him about where he was the night of Nora Allen's murder. He was still a little wary of the guy, but after him getting attacked by the Man in Yellow last night, who Barry knows killed Nora, he's let up a little bit. "Kind of weird to spend Christmas with your boss isn't it?"

Cisco and Caitlin both chuckle. "I've spent Christmas with him every year since I was 11." Caitlin explains.

Joe narrows his eyes at her in confusion.  "My dad died when I was 11 and my mom wasn't really in the picture much after that. Wells stepped in and raised me. That's how I wound up at S.T.A.R. Labs."

Joe nods. Something about it made him question Wells a little bit less. Caitlin seems like good people to him, for now, so if she trusts Wells, and if Wells stepped in to help raise her, maybe Joe's gut was off for once.

"Wells is welcome to come over for dinner too." Joe offers.

"I'm sure he'd love that. Maybe next year though. He's still a little tired." Caitlin gives Joe a look and he nods, indicating he realizes she's referencing what happened to him the previous day.

They all say their goodbyes since Jitters is closing for the day, and Caitlin and Cisco head to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Across town Barry is sitting in his office, staring at the board he's been working on ever since he got this job, trying to crack his mother's murder. He looks out the window and looks down to see a few people carrying gift bags and wearing Christmas hats.

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