Fire and Cold

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Caitlin is standing by the tent on the training tarmac, a worried expression on her face. Cisco is in front of her with a remote control, a grin, and a determination to win. Barry is racing Cisco's drone on the tarmac while it shoots lasers at him.

"You're supposed to be training him, not killing him." Caitlin said.

"He told me not to go easy on him." Cisco defends.

"You gonna bring it or what Cisco?" Barry says through the comms.

Cisco looks at Wells who nods and smiles. "Bring it."

Cisco grips the remote control harder and starts trying to throw Barry off.

As training finishes, Barry runs over to the tent to look at his stats for the day.

"You almost killed me." Barry says, out of breath, as he approaches the tent.

"You said bring it. And you need the challenge if you're gonna get fast enough to beat the Reverse Flash." Cisco says.

The other three turn to look at him.

"Yeah that's right. Ya boy Cisco came up with another great name. Hold the applause." Cisco says proudly.

"Eh," Caitlin says shrugging.

"I kinda like it." Wells says, smiling at Barry's improved statistics.

Barry leaves after morning training to head off to work. "This suit is starting to smell. Caitlin says, as she walks by the nook where they keep Barry's suit.

"We could take it to the dry cleaners." Cisco offers.

Wells and Caitlin both turn to look at him.

"Or not..." He says, lowering his head. "I'll get to work on something to clean it with. Just washing it won't work with the material." Cisco exits to his workshop.

"I hear you've decided not to pursue Ronnie," Wells says to Caitlin, wheeling behind her as she goes into her lab.

"What else am I supposed to do? It's not him. Not really. He doesn't want to be found or helped. He's got powers now. He barely even knows who I am. That's's his body. But it's not Ronnie." Caitlin says, spinning lazily in her chair.

"I don't disagree. I think you made the right decision." Wells says.

"You do?" She says, looking up at him surprised.

"Yes I do. Because it was your decision to make. Whichever one you chose was the right one." Wells says, starting to wheel out of the room.

"Thanks Wells," Caitlin says, turning to start working for the day.



"Cisco! That damn gun you made is the gift that just keeps on giving." Barry announces as he enters the cortex.

"What happened?" Caitlin asks.

"Snart is back." Barry answers.

Leonard Snart, a.k.a. Captain Cold, stole a cold gun, one that Cisco built that is able to freeze things to absolute zero, from S.T.A.R. Labs a few months ago. Turns out the gun can hurt Barry. They got him to back off last time by tricking him. His M.O. is grand larceny.

"Yay..." Caitlin says flatly, shooting a glare at Cisco.

Barry fills the team in on what he found that morning at the crime scene. A garage full of expensive cars, that was still full. Nothing was taken, but the door was frozen and shattered.

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