Sounds Odd to Me

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Caitlin reaches over the counter to grab her coffee from the new barista at Jitters. She turns and, as is common for her at Jitters, almost spills her drink as she runs into someone. She looks up to see Iris holding two drink holders full of cups of coffee.

"Hoarding?" Caitlin asks, jokingly, with an eyebrow raised.

"No, just living the life of a gofer." Iris says, sounding tired.

"New job?" Caitlin asks, grabbing one holder from Iris.

"Yeah, just started at Central City Picture News. They've got me doing the important stuff right away. Fueling everyone else." They both laugh.

"I can walk with you there. I'm not busy." Caitlin suggests.

"That'd be a huge help, thanks." Iris says, relaxing a little now that she wasn't balancing coffees.

Iris fills Caitlin in on how awkward all her interactions with Barry have been recently.

"You two need to just sit down and talk Iris. That's the only way you're ever going to get back to normal." Caitlin suggests. "Tell him you love him, just not in that way. That you value your friendship and you need him in your life. You just need to let him know that even though he isn't in your life in that way, doesn't mean he isn't just as important to you."

"I know. I just don't want to feel like I'm leading him on or dangling him. I want to make sure that line is cut you know, so he can move on with someone else." Iris says, looking down.

"Talk to him. Soon." Caitlin instructs, walking in with Iris to her desk and dropping off the coffee."

"I will. Thanks Caitlin." She says.

Caitlin turns to walk out.

"Oh Caitlin!" Iris calls, and when Caitlin turns around she is almost knocked off balance by Iris hugging her.

"I'm glad you're okay. I haven't really seen you since you were kidnapped. I was worried." She says, not making eye contact.

"Thanks, Iris. Yeah, I'm good now. Thanks to your dad." Caitlin smiles.

"Hero isn't he?" Iris says, laughing.

"Yeah he is. You're really lucky." Caitlin says.

"We should hang out sometime, you and me." Iris says. "Girls night or something."

"I would really like that." Caitlin says smiling.

They say bye and Caitlin starts walking back to Jitters to get in her car. As she rounds the corner of the building she swears she sees someone duck behind her car. She walks hesitantly up to it, the last time not ending so well, and looks around her car, seeing nothing. She gets in and drives back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

When she walks into the cortex, Cisco notices that she looks a little shaken.

"You okay?" He asks, walking over to her.

She nods. "Just thought I saw Ronnie by my car at Jitters," she whispers.

"Maybe you're just a little spooked. You haven't had the greatest luck with being by your car recently." Cisco says.

"That's a weird thing to have bad luck with," she laughs, looking up at him.

" and Barry went out the other night, huh?" Cisco asks, raising an eyebrow.

"We went to keep a look out for Shawna and Clay. Purely business." Caitlin defends.

"Uh huh. 'Cause everyone gets that drunk when they're out on business." Cisco accuses.

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