Investigating Wells

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Cisco and Caitlin both take a seat, eyeing everyone in the room suspiciously.

"I'm assuming Eddie is in on everything now?" Cisco whispers to Caitlin. She just nods, not taking her eyes off Barry.

"Let's just start from the beginning." Joe says.


Investigating Dr. Harrison Wells:

Detective Joe West takes Dr. Harrison Wells out for drinks one evening after a meta case was solved. During this outing Joe asks subtle questions about Dr. Wells and his time in Central City. The questions grow less subtle and ends with Joe asking Wells where he was the night of Barry's mother's murder. Dr. Wells understands the investigative purpose of the outing and leaves, expressing his dislike for Joe's deception.

"Tess Morgan. If you want to know where I was the night of March 18th, look up Tess Morgan." Wells says as he wheels out of the bar.

Joe looks up Tess Morgan to discover that Dr. Wells was married to her and lost her in a car crash on the night of Barry's mother's murder. He offers an apology to Dr. Wells and temporarily lets it go.

Soon after, Joe is attacked in his home where all of his files regarding Nora Allen's murder are destroyed and picture of Iris is pinned to the wall with a knife and warning to lay off the investigation.

Joe asks Cisco for help in scanning the living room of Barry's childhood home. They find nothing, but an old mirror left in the living room leads Cisco to believe he can pull pictures from it to get images from the murder. He builds a machine that will let them project holographic depictions of the images from the night of the murder into the living room. They find nothing new except a spot of blood on the wall in the dining room. They peel the wallpaper back to reveal the dried blood is still there.

Joe asks Cisco to run the blood against the CCPD data base. Joe asks him to also run it against someone in particular. Dr. Harrison Wells. Cisco refuses at first, offended that Joe would ask that. After hearing about Wells' willingness to let Ronnie die to stop a nuclear bomb, Cisco decides to run the test anyway. It comes back negative. No match. He does, however, discover that the blood belongs to Barry. The Barry in their files. Adult Barry.

The morning before Barry time traveled for the first time, Iris is called into CCPN early to talk with Mason Bridge. He reveals a folder of evidence he has that he believes proves that Harrison Wells planned the accelerator explosion and murdered Simon Stagg. There are images of Wells entering Simon Stagg's building the night of his murder. Timelines of all meta attacks, only beginning after the failure of the particle accelerator. Wells' admission that he was warned about the risks. His continued, suspicious, by Bridge's standards, involvement in police investigations involving these juiced up humans. The amount of security around his home, and his general private nature before and after the explosion.

Iris expresses these concerns to Barry who shrugs them off saying he trusts Wells. He goes to the labs that night and sees Wells alone. Right before mentioning Bridge's concerns to Wells' Barry is presented with an alert from CCPN that Mason Bridge has gone missing. Barry reconsiders everything Iris said and realizes he doesn't have a good argument against any of it. He spends that night compiling a new evidence board of everything they know about Harrison Wells.

Barry and Joe discuss their theories about Wells' involvement in his mother's murder. Maybe he works with the Reverse Flash and made sure the accelerator went off. Maybe he has been using Barry and training him for some selfish agenda. They don't know, because he is so private, but they know whatever it is, it's not good. Barry fails to hide his emotions toward Wells, but Joe encourages him to keep it in for now until they know more.

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