I Do

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"Iris, baby, I love you. But if you ask for one more thing, I'm kicking you out of my house." Joe says, slumping down onto Iris's bed.

Iris is sitting in a chair in front of the mirror, trying to fix her make-up and Caitlin has gone to pick up some more pins and baby's-breath to put in her hair. She is taking deep breaths to stop from panicking. Eddie called her a few minutes ago to say they forgot to include the ties when they picked up the tuxes.

"It'll look fine without the ties, right?" Iris asks.

"It will look great. I promise. Now you just worry about you, and let the rest of us handle everything else, okay?" Joe says, squeezing her shoulders to calm her down.

She nods and lets out a deep breath. Caitlin walks back in.

"Oh, thank god." Joe says when he sees her. "She's all yours." He walks out, patting Caitlin's shoulder in support when he passes her.

"Everything is fine, Iris. The boys look great without the ties." She lies. She still hasn't seen them. "I got the flowers and pins for your hair. Everything is set up. Professor Stein is here and is getting ready. Everything is fine. I promise."

Iris smiles at her and turns to let Caitlin finish doing her hair. They finish up and Iris gets to work on her make up while Caitlin starts working on her own hair and makeup. When she's done, she helps Iris into her dress and attaches her veil. Caitlin slips into her own dress and gets her shoes on before heading downstairs to make sure everything is ready. She walks out back and sees Barry and Eddie sitting on the back porch.

"Hey, you two ready?" Caitlin asks as she walks up to them.

Eddie nods, but Barry is staring, wide-eyed, at Caitlin. Her hair is half-up with small white flowers poking out of the bun on the back of her head. Her make up is simple, but Iris added in a little something to really make her eyes shine. She is wearing a pale pink dress that has off-the-shoulder sleeves made of a sheer material that just drapes over her upper arm. The top of the dress hugs her chest and her waist, with silk ribbon wrapped around her waist. Below the ribbon, the dress flows out subtly, making her waist appear smaller, but beautifully moves any time she shifts. A slit in the side of the dress goes up to her mid-thigh and shows a bit, but not too much, of her leg and shoes when she walks.

"Bar, you good?" Caitlin asks. He nods, eyes still wide and mouth slightly open. She nods and goes over to check on Stein and Joe.

"Barry. You might wanna close your mouth before you start drooling." Eddie jokes, nudging Barry in the arm.

Barry shakes his head a little and looks down. "Sorry." Eddie just laughs.

Caitlin makes her way back inside, motioning to the boys to get in place before she goes in. Moments later, her and Iris come down the stairs. Barry smiles at Iris and hugs her before handing her off to Joe who is doing his best not to sob.

Barry sticks his arm out for Caitlin to take and she does, smiling sincerely up at him. The two walk out the back door and down the aisle they set up to the small pergola they made the days before. Cisco and Clarissa are seated on either side of the aisle. When Barry and Caitlin reach the end, Caitlin hugs Eddie and goes to her spot next to the altar while Barry stands next to Eddie. Caitlin and Eddie turn to watch as Iris and Joe make their way down the aisle, and Barry turns to look at Caitlin who is smiling the most genuinely that he's seen her smile in over a week.

Iris and Joe reach the end of the aisle. She wipes the tear sliding down his face and kisses his cheek before he pulls her in for a hug. Eddie shakes his hand and Joe goes to sit next to Cisco. Caitlin tries to keep her eyes on Eddie and Iris for the ceremony, but she occasionally looks over at Barry looks away when she does.

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