Bars and Scars

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Caitlin is working on looking up info about Shawna. She sighs and leans back, getting bored. Cisco's words ring in her head and she looks over at her phone.

"Hey Cait, what's up?" Barry answers his phone.

"Any luck with finding Shawna?" She asks.

"None," he answers.

"Well I was looking up some stuff on her and her boyfriend. Turns out they frequented a few bars. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go check them out. Half work, half fun," she says, chuckling.

"Yeah, sounds great. Send me the address and I'll see in...say an hour?" He says.

"See you in an hour." She responds, hanging up and texting him the address.

She smiles and blushes, then immediately stands up and runs out the door, realizing she only has an hour to get ready. When she gets home, she sprays some dry shampoo in her hair and fixes it, throwing on a little extra make up, and grabbing her favorite night out dress that she hasn't had the courage to wear on her, Barry, and Cisco's nights out yet. She grabs some strappy black heels as she runs out the door and puts them on when she gets to the bar.

She looks around when she gets there, hoping Barry is already inside because it looks like a rough joint. She looks around for his car, then rolls her eyes at herself. Why would he drive?

She walks in, straightening her dress out and hugging her purse in front of her. She starts looking around at the biker-themed bar.

Barry is sitting there in a collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He looks up to see Caitlin looking around the bar. He is using all his energy to keep his jaw from dropping, which means no energy is going to pulling his eyes away from her. She is wearing a velvet, navy blue dress that shows more cleavage and hugs a little tighter than her typical work clothes. Her hair is in a messy side braid and she is wearing a little more make up than usual.

"You look..." Barry gulps, "really nice."

Caitlin smiles and blushes, looking down in her lap. She was as little self conscious about coming out in this, but his reaction is definitely worth it.

"I figured I'd try to fit in," she say. "Looks like I missed the mark a little though. Should've worn more leather."

"You would've looked good in that too," Barry says, his eyes going wide and he looks away to the bar. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Yeah, actually," she says, standing.

She walks up to the bar and starts to order. Barry notices some of the guys next to her looking at her and a man across the bar staring. He gets a little pang of anger and keeps his eyes on them. Especially the one he sees trying to stare down her dress.

The man says something to her and she leans back and points over to Barry, smiling at him, then turns back to the man and gives him a harsh smirk and walks back toward Barry. He was a little proud of that. She sits down with two drinks.

"You know that I won't feel that right?" Barry asks.

"Oh I know," she says, downing one of the two glasses in one drink. "They're both for me."

Barry is staring at her wide-eyed, slightly impressed and slightly concerned.

Two hours later they find themselves at a different bar. Caitlin is very drunk at this point, but her and Barry have been having a great time, laughing all evening. When they get to the new bar, Caitlin squeals and runs into the crowd. Barry tries to grab her but misses, and loses her among all the people. He looks around trying to find her.

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