Christmas Eve Aftermath

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Caitlin walks into Jitters on Christmas morning. They're only open till noon, but they're pretty packed this morning. A lot of last minute Christmas shoppers getting their fix before they run off to prepare Christmas dinner.

"Morning Caitlin. Merry Christmas!" Iris yells from behind the counter.

Caitlin smiles at her and waves. Iris is wearing the fluffiest Santa hat she's ever seen and she can't help but laugh as she approaches the counter.

"Merry Christmas. Nice hat." Caitlin comments.

Iris laughs. "I had to grab a hat from our attic. It was this or my dad's old reindeer antler headband that has drooped a little over the years."

Iris hands Caitlin her usual, telling her it's on the house for friends today. "Would you mind sticking around for a few minutes?" Iris asks.

"No, what's up?"

Iris tells her coworker she's going on break and walks around the counter. Her and Caitlin take a seat in the corner, and Iris takes off the hat, squeezing it in between her hands nervously.

"What's wrong?" Caitlin asks.

"Barry told me he loves me." Iris blurts out.

Caitlin doesn't immediately react. She knew already. "How did you feel about that?"

"You knew already didn't you?" Iris accuses.

Caitlin nods.

"I don't know how it made me feel. There were so many thoughts running through my head when he said it. I mean I've known Barry almost my entire life. He's my best friend. Of course I love him, but I've never thought about whether or not I love him like that."

Caitlin nods. She really has no idea what to say.

"I have Eddie. And I'm in love with Eddie. I don't know if things would be different if he had told me before, but I was so mad that he told me now. What did he expect me to do, dump Eddie and run to him?" Iris says, sounding annoyed.

"I don't think he expected anything really. I think he just needed to get it off his chest. He felt like he couldn't fully be himself around you anymore, especially with Eddie in the picture, because there was always this thing pulling at him. He just wanted everything out in the open." Caitlin explains. "Like you said, you're best friends. He didn't want his feelings, one sided or not, getting in the way of that. If he had kept them in, they might've eventually caused a rift between you two. At least this way you two can move forward. Would you rather he not have told you? Still be in the dark while everyone else sees it and knows?"

Iris shakes her head. "Why couldn't I see it? If everyone else did, why couldn't I?"

"It's harder to see it from the inside. That's just always been how your relationship works. So to you, it was nothing more than Barry and Iris being Barry and Iris. To everyone else, it was something more." Caitlin tries to explain. "If he had told you before Eddie was in the picture, would your reaction be different?"

Iris thinks for a minute. "I can't think about that. Eddie is in the picture, and he didn't tell me before, so it doesn't really matter how I would have reacted." She says, sounding annoyed. She grabs her hat and stands.

"Thanks for the talk Caitlin. I gotta get back to work." Iris offers a weak smile and walks back behind the counter.

Caitlin isn't really sure what she said to upset Iris, but she's glad the conversation was over. She's not great with relationship advice, especially a relationship involving Barry and someone else.

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