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"Cisco, you've been here all night. Go get some rest." Caitlin says walking up and standing next to him.

"No. I've almost figured this out." He says, his eyes wide with focus.

"Figured what out?" Caitlin asks.

"A way to meta-proof the cells at Iron Heights." He mumbles, still working hard on whatever contraption is in front of him. "Ah!" He yells after he breaks apart the pieces he was working with.

"How about a breakfast break then. It'll help you refocus." She suggests.

Cisco huffs. "Fine." He says, laying his tools down. "But you're paying."

"You've eaten all the food I've put in the fridge over the last six months before I can even touch it. You're paying for your own damn breakfast." Caitlin says, raising her eyebrows and smiling at him.

Cisco groans but accepts and walks out with Caitlin.

The two walk back in with a box of donuts and four coffees.

Barry and Joe are sitting in the cortex when they get there.

"Oh, thank god." Joe says, seeing the two walk in. He stands and makes his way over, reaching for the other coffee in Cisco's hand.

"Hey!" Cisco shouts, stepping back. "Hands off my fuel."

"You have two." Joe scolds.

"Yeah. This is my chug-coffee and this is my enjoy-coffee."

Joe rolls his eyes and walks back to his chair. Caitlin laughs and walks over to him, handing him her other coffee.

"Here." She says, smiling at him.

"You don't need two coffees too?" Joe asks, glaring at Cisco who is fanning his burning tongue.

"No, the second one was for Barry. But we just won't tell him." She whispers, peeking over at Barry who is giving her a mock-offended look.

"How's the progress on meta-proofing Iron Heights?" Joe asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Innovation takes time, Joseph." Cisco says, settling into his second cup of coffee.

"And sleep." Caitlin scolds raising her eyebrows at him.

Cisco groans at her and she turns back to Barry and Joe. "He's got ideas. Nothing concrete yet though." She gives them an apologetic look. "Any ideas on getting a confession?"

"Nothing that will stick." Joe huffs. "I gotta get to work though. The D.A. has started asking questions about the missing metas."

"What are you gonna tell her?" Caitlin asks.

"No idea. Planned on using the drive there to think about it." Joe admits. "I'll see you all later."

Caitlin and Barry both nod and say bye.

"He's not sleeping." Caitlin says softly to Barry, looking over at Cisco. "He's obsessed with this Iron Heights issue."

"We could sedate him." Barry suggests.

Caitlin smiles at him. "Honestly, I think he has enough adrenaline that it'd burn right through anything I sedate him with."

"I could hit him in the head." Barry offers, smiling back at her.

"Then he'd whine even more when he woke up."

"I can hear you!" Cisco groans from across the room.

Barry and Caitlin laugh and walk over to him. Caitlin leans over the computer to look Cisco in the eye. "A rested mind is a sharper mind."

"Ah yes dear friend, but a delirious mind is an innovative one." Cisco says, his eyes wide.

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