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I finish unpacking and preparing the room and I must admit that I'm quite satisfied with the results. This room is huge, but comparing to the rest of the rooms of the girls prepared for three persons, this is nothing...

 This room is huge, but comparing to the rest of the rooms of the girls prepared for three persons, this is nothing

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I like the fact that it is at the top of the building... I think that I'll be able to have intimacy this way. And it is essential in order to live under the same roof with nine girls...

And talking about them, I should head to the living and try to interact a little bit. I mean, we are now workmates. Plus, we are about to spend a lot of time together at the practice room, so it'll be better if we know each other...

Damn it Jihoon, I'm doing this just in your memory... You know that I didn't like this stuff... When we danced, you always dreamt about having public, while I just had enough being able to dance by your side...

I head to the living room to find them all messing around... I don't know how should I do it to include myself... I think that I am like invisible right now...

-Dahyun: Oppa (smiles) You are done?
-Sejun: Yeah, I already installed myself... (smiles)
-Dahyun: Come here, sit with us, we don't bite (jokes)
-Sejun: (sits next to her)
-Chaeyoung: So many...
-Sejun: Hmm?
-Chaeyoung: You have lot of tattoos...
-Sejun: Ah yeah, I wanted to try something new... (smiles) I ended up this way, do they look great?
-Chaeyoung: Yeah, actually I also have some, look (smiles and starts showing you)
-Sejun: Why do you have vegetables tattooed? (chuckles) I mean, do they have any special meaning?
-Chaeyoung: Why do you have a skull tattooed? (teasing back)
-Sejun: I... Well, I just thought it would look cool on me... (chuckles and srughs)
-Mina: Oppa, I've heard that you were a video game designer... Is that true?
-Sejun: Yeah, actually I told Dubu that I wanted to continue working on that, but I finally ended up joining you guys... (smiles)
-Mina: Then... Are you a gamer? I mean, do you like to play video games? (smiles)

 Are you a gamer? I mean, do you like to play video games? (smiles)

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-Sejun: Yeah, actually playing games is part of my profession... We need to test them before start selling them, so sometimes we are in charge of the beta testing... (smiles) I actually brought some in case any of you wanted to play...
-Mina: I'm starting to think that this is not my profession (jokes) Can I play with you later? (smiles)
-Sejun: Yeah, of course... (smiles)
-Dahyun: Talking about gaming, why don't we play mafia game with Sejun oppa? This way we'll get to know him better... (smiles)
-Momo: Let's play reporting! (smiles) We are the reporters and Sejun answers to them, is that okay with you?
-Sejun: Is way more straight, okay (smiles)
-Momo: Have you brought any snack? (serious)
-Sejun: Eh... I didn't, but I can treat you jokbal... I know that you love it (smiles) Am I wrong?
-Momo: You are smart, good job, we'll be friends soon... (chuckles)
-Nayeon: Ah~ This is not fair... You are all getting an oppa while now I have become a noona... (sighs)
-Jeongyeon: And I lost my position as girl crush the moment he came in... Don't complain... (sighs)
-Sejun: I think it's cool having a noona (smiles) Plus, you look really young and pretty... The fact that you are older doesn't mean that you need to take care of the rest... I want to collaborate too...
-Nayeon: (flutters) Y-You kid...
-Sejun: And about the girlcrush position... I don't think you need to worry about it Jeongyeon-ssi... You were never a girlcrush, you are a huge CRUSH. That's the position you deserve... (smiles) I'm not gonna lie, here you are all really pretty... I even feel pressure... I may not look that good as you do...
-Jeongyeon: (mumbling) You are too...
-Tzuyu: I think oppa is really manly... (smiles) That's something really new for Twice...
-Chaeyoung: Oppa you are cool with those tattoos! (smiles) I approve (thumbs up)
-Sana: And your perfume... I love it (smiles) It's something new here since we are all girls... You are seriously like fresh air for the group (chuckles)
-Sejun: Thanks, really (smiles)

 You are seriously like fresh air for the group (chuckles) -Sejun: Thanks, really (smiles)

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-Momo: Oh, Sejun has dimples like Chaengie~ That's cute~

They all start talking randomly about different coincidences, when suddenly, Jihyo, the leader who has been quite quiet, speaks up... She's the leader and we must always listen to her, and that's not a problem with her loud voice... Haha.

-Jihyo: Oppa is seriously something new that will give the group a fresh image and so... But, we haven't seen your skills yet... Why don't you sing something? (smirks)
-Sejun: Sing... Right now?
-Jihyo: Yeah. What happens? You can't? (smiles)
-Sejun: Of course I can, actually, I expected you to ask for that... You are the leader and the main vocalist after all, right? (smiles) Can I sing any song I want?
-Jihyo: (caught off guard) Y-Yeah, go ahead... (sits next to Tzuyu)
-Sejun: Okay, so... Let's see (clears your throat and starts singing)

(A: Imagine its Sejun the one singing)

I sing the first song that came to my mind, and without noticing, I goy way too much focused on it... I even closed the eyes, I think, I mean, I don't remember the members' face while I was singing...

-Sejun: So... How was it? I wasn't exactly prepared for this... (chuckles)
-Sana: That was amazing... (impressed)
-Momo: He has a great voice, Jihyo I think that he accomplished your expectations, right? (smiles)
-Jihyo: Oppa, sorry for doubting of you... You are... Amazing (smiles)
-Sejun: It's okay, I understand that you needed to check if I'm great enough for the group... (smiles) Let's work hard together from now on...
-Jihyo: Yeah (shakes hands with you)
-Tzuyu: It feels like he has honey in his throat... (smiles)
-Mina: Yeah, he sings really good... (smiles) It sounds really sweet...
-Dahyun: Oppa is the honeyboy! (chuckles)

And just like that, I got my first nickname inside of Twice. I can't hide the fact that I'm really happy for being accepted in the group... I really hope I can be at their expectations, I wouldn't like to disappoint. I'll work really hard for this, are you seeing Jihoon?

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