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-Dahyun: (pulling your sleeve to drag you) C'mon! Run faster oppa!
-Sejun: I'm trying! I'm trying!
-Dahyun: This wouldn't had happened if Nayeon unnie didn't try to stop you! (sighs) She better let us be today...
-Sejun: She will... You don't need to worry Dahyunie... (smiles)
-Dahyun: Just a little more and... (sighs in relief) We arrived on time!
-Sejun: (without breath) Yeah... We arrived on time... (chuckles)
-Dahyun: Now we can enjoy our trip on train... (hyper)

-Sejun: Yeah, our trip on train

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-Sejun: Yeah, our trip on train... (smiles and then realizes something) Wait a moment... Dahyunie...
-Dahyun: Hmm?
-Sejun: I don't know what are we doing... I mean, where are we going? I agreed to accompany you... But I don't know why are we doing this...
-Dahyun: I didn't tell you? (smiles) Oppa, we are going to Seongnam...
-Sejun: Seongnam? Your birthplace? Why? (confused)
-Dahyun: I want to introduce you to my family... (chuckles)
-Sejun: Oh, I see... Wait, what?! Your family?! Why? I don't think I'm ready for something like that... (panics)
-Dahyun: Oppa... For now I'll introduce you as the new member of Twice... They haven't met you yet... And I'm sure that they are really curious about the boy who made it to form part of us... (chuckles) Who knows what could you do to such pretty girls like us...
-Sejun: I wouldn't do anything... I'm too innocent-
-Dahyun: Say that to Sana unnie, then... (teases you)
-Sejun: Uh... (looks down smiling) You got me, you left me speechless. I have nothing to say... You are right... I'm not that innocent anymore...
-Dahyun: Yeah, you are not... (holds your face with her tiny hands) But you are still the kind boy who takes care of us, so it's okay... (smiles)
-Sejun: Dubu... (smiles)
-Dahyun: Plus, my parents know nothing about you... So it'll be great, plus you'll love our place! (chuckles)
-Sejun: Really? (smiles) How is it?
-Dahyun: Well... Once I decided to live by myself and my older brother too, they decided to get a bigger house and have a some kind of farm... (smiles) I really love heading there for vacation...
-Sejun: You have an older brother? (surprised)
-Dahyun: Yeah! You didn't know? (chuckles) He doesn't like appearing on cameras... But almost all Onces know about him...
-Sejun: I see... (smiles) I'm really curious about how your place is...
-Dahyun: We'll soon arrive... You'll love the barbacue and then I'll show you around... Maybe we can come in future for vacation... (mumbling) Maybe being something more...
-Sejun: What did you say? I didn't catch the last part... (chuckles)

-Dahyun: It was nothing

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-Dahyun: It was nothing... (chuckles)

-Time skip until you strive Dahyun's parents house-

-Dahyun: Mom! Dad! (hugs them both) How have you been? (smiles widely)
-D. Mom: We've been really great, how about you? (smiles and pats her head)
-D. Dad: Who's this boy?
-Dahyun: Oppa, meet my parents... (smiles)
-Sejun: Good morning, my name is Jeon Sejun... I'm Twice's male members, more known as ZK... (chuckles)
-D. Dad: I'm Dahyun's overprotective father... (shakes hands with you)
-D. Mom: Dear! Don't be like that!
-Dahyun: Is Myungsoo oppa here?
-D. Dad: Nope... Your brother is on a trip with his girlfriend... He won't come today...
-Dahyun: Ah... Oppa, I guess I won't be able to introduce you to my brother... (pouts)
-Sejun: (smiles) It's okay, we can always come more times...
-Dahyun: Yeah, that's right, we'll definitely come here more times together! (chuckles) Ah, oppa wait for me here...
-Sejun: Okay... (smiles)
-D. Dad: What are you planning? What are your intentions with my daughter?
-Sejun: H-Huh?
-D. Dad: Are you Christian like us?
-Sejun: Uh... Sorry, I'm atheist...
-D. Dad: How aren't you going to belive in something?!
-Sejun: I belive in me and my possibilities... That's all (smiles)
-Dahyun: Oppa! Look at me~ (appears riding a horse)

 That's all (smiles) -Dahyun: Oppa! Look at me~ (appears riding a horse)

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-Sejun: Oh wow... You also have horses here... (chuckles)
-Dahyun: (starts walking away) After the barbacue, you can ride one too so we can have a nice time enjoying the sights... What do you think? (smiles)
-Sejun: I think it's the best plan ever!
-Dahyun: (chuckles) Oppa... Can you help me to get down the horse?
-Sejun: Sure, I'm coming over there... (smiles)
-D. Dad: Why is she asking for help when she knows how to do it by herself?
-D. Mom: Of course you have him closer... (smiles)
-D. Dad: Why would she want something like that?
-D. Mom: You are really oblivious... She's obviously interested on him... So don't get surprised if that boy ever returns as something more...
-D. Dad: Something more like...?
-D. Mom: Boyfriend? Fiancé? (chuckles) Let's prepare the barbacue...

-Time skip until the barbacue-

-Dahyun: How is it, oppa? (smiles)
-Sejun: It's awesome! (chuckles) Eating with this amazing sights and with such a great company, makes it taste better...


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-D. Mom: Dahyunie... Sejun-ssi eats really well, you should bring him more often... (smiles) We'll always welcome you... We are really thankful to you for taking care of our daughter...
-Sejun: Ah, thank you so much Ms... (smiles and bows)
-D. Dad: Of course... If you ever cross the line, I'll make sure to-
-Dahyun: Dad! Don't make him feel uncomfortable... (pissed)
-D. Dad: Why did you bring a boy?!
-Dahyun: Why wouldn't I?
-D. Dad: I don't want any boy around you... (glares at you) You didn't touch her, right?
-Sejun: I-I didn't sir... But in any case, I think that Dahyunie is old enough to do whatever she wants... (smiles)
-D. Mom: Dear, Sejun-ssi is a great boy... Let them be...
-Dahyun: Yes, dad I really want you to get along oppa... Just in case... (smiles shyly)
-D. Dad: In case what?
-Dahyun:... (embarrassed)
-D. Dad: (sighs) Fine, fine... I get, you are know the one who makes my daughter happy... But since I don't trust you that much, you better come more often so I can control you... Understood?!
-Sejun: Yes sir! (chuckles)
-Dahyun: (really happy side hugs you)
-D. Dad: In front of me?!
-D. Mom: Oh c'mon... (hits him)
-D. Dad: Okay, okay, I got it... Sejun-ssi, do you want some more of that meat? (offers you to eat more)

The visit to Dahyun's parents house, resulted to be really different of what I expected. It was a really nice place, and I had a lot of fun there. Ah, I also got along pretty well with her parents... I'll definitely make sure that we return one day...

If Dahyun ended up being my girlfriend, I would be pleased with her family. We would be really happy with this kind of reunions... But I still have the dating ban and eight other girls... Gosh, how difficult...

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