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-Time skip two weeks later-

We are actually heading to our last fanmeeting... We are finally finishing with promotions. Actually, it has been really fun... We assisted to different variety programs... It was fun, but almost all the questions were the same: my relationship with the girls because they are girls and I am a boy...

-Sejun: We are finally finishing with the promotions... (smiles)
-Dahyun: Yup (smiles) Once will be sad today...
-Chaeyoung: But we need to rest as well, they understand it... They are great and nice people... (smiles)
-Mina: By the way, oppa why did you decide to stay in this van from now on?
-Sejun: I exchanged my place with Jihyo because the members were treating me like a snack there...
-Tzuyu: I'm actually not surprised, they tend to act like teenagers when it comes to that stuff...
-Sejun: Tzuyu-ah, you know that you are almost still a teenager, right? (chuckles)

-Sejun: Tzuyu-ah, you know that you are almost still a teenager, right? (chuckles)

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-Tzuyu: I'm an adult oppa! (puppy eyes)
-Sejun: Right, right... (pats her head)
-Dahyun: It's actually really fun the fact that one uses to pat Tzuyu because she's too tall... And now, with oppa she looks tiny... (chuckles)
-Sejun: That's right, Tzuyu is my baby now... (joking)
-Tzuyu: I'm a baby then... (blushed)
-Mina: Just Tzuyu? (pouts)
-Chaeyoung: I'm the shorter one! I'm the babiest!
-Dahyun: There's when you are wrong! I'm the shorter one now... (smiles proudly)
-Mina: This is actually the first time that I hear you being proud of your height...
-Tzuyu: Yeah, but it makes no sense... I'm the younger one, and I'm the first oppa's baby, right? (chuckles)
-Sejun: Aish... Here all of you want to be babies, and on the other van I'm a snack... (laughs) This is seriously something else... But yeah, everyone in Twice are my babies...
-Mina: Even Nayeon unnie?
-Sejun: Jeongyeon said it once, she can't even take care of herself... Of course she's my baby too... (chuckles)
-Dahyun: Fine then, we are all oppa's babies... (smiles) Oppa, does this mean that you'll call us "baby" from now on? Cause... (blushing) That would be seriously embarrassing...
-Mina: And he would have problems with Jihyo and Momo's boyfriends...
-Sejun: Ah... I won't call anyone baby, it's way too embarrassing for me... Plus, Once could misunderstand it... (nervous laugh) Look we are here! (exits the van)
-Tzuyu: I wanted oppa to call me "baby"... (pouts)

We enter the building, once we appear everyone starts clappinh and we do our characteristic greeting

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We enter the building, once we appear everyone starts clappinh and we do our characteristic greeting... We then take a seat and the fanmeeting starts...

-Sana: There's a lot of girls lately...
-Sejun: Just the usual?
-Sana: No, before we had more male fans... I guess we have someone attracting all this girls... (smirks and glance at you)
-Sejun: Me? (chuckles) That's not true, it's because of your efforts girls...
-Sana: Sure, but a handsome face also helps... (giggles) Oh, hi~ (to a fan)
-Fan: Oppa! You are really handsome!
-Sejun: (notices and laughs) Thank you! You are really pretty too! (waves)
-Everyone: (screaming)
-Dahyun: Oppa... If you say that kind of stuff you'll drive them crazy... (chuckles)
-Sejun: I was just answering to the compliment... (srughs) Once are you having fun?!
-Once: (wild crazy)
-Fan: Oppa! Don't ever get a girlfriend! Be always for Once!
-Sejun: Oh... (surprised) Who said so? (pointing) You, the girl from the second file... You are my girlfriend, it's way too late to ask for that (chuckles)

 You are my girlfriend, it's way too late to ask for that (chuckles)

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-Sana: So smooth~ (chuckles)
-Dahyun: Look who talks... (laughs)

I continued joking and interacting with Once, until the meeting was over. We then headed to the company since we need to practice for a mini tour that we'll be having around Korea...

-Sejun: Ah, that was fun today... (smiles and lays your head back) I'm kinda sleepy... (slowly falls asleep)

-Dahyun: Oh, Oppa fell asleep... (smiles) He's cute...
-Chaeyoung: I can't belive that he said to that Once that she's his girlfriend... We can't do that, at least not him, he has a dating ban...
-Tzuyu: I hate his dating ban... (frowns)
-Mina: Why tho? Without that ban he could be dating someone right now...
-Dahyun: So? That would be the best, right?
-Mina: It could be anyone... Maybe a fan, or another famous, or who knows... This way, with the dating ban, at least he can remain with us all the time... (smiles)
-Chaeyoung: Isn't that a little bit creepy?
-Tzuyu: I understand what Mina unnie is trying to say... We gotta admit that we are all whipped for oppa, even Momo and Jihyo unnie... And with this dating ban we can keep him for us... (smiles)
-Mina: Exactly, that's it Tzuyu~ (chuckles)
-Dahyun: And is that what oppa wants? Maybe he already has someone... Or maybe he just wants a none famous girlfriend...
-Mina: I guess that's our mission now... We gotta discover his feelings...
-Chaeyoung: Wait, then... Are we saying that we all like him? (confused)
-Tzuyu: In short, yes, that's what we are saying... (smiles and srughs) He's nice, handsome, kind, funny, sings amazingly, he's a great rapper, and God damn it when he dances...
-Dahyun: Then, we all have the same problem...
-Mina: You are right... (sighs)
-Chaeyoung: What's the problem?
-Tzuyu: We all like him, but he can only choose one among us... What are we going to do in case he loves one of us?
-Mina: I think that we should just allow the member he chooses to be happy with him...

-Dahyun: Your intentions are great, but your smile doesn't seem that sincere

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-Dahyun: Your intentions are great, but your smile doesn't seem that sincere... I think that we should just allow oppa to be happy... And also congratulate the member he chooses...
-Chaeyoung: And that, just in case that he likes one of us... Maybe he doesn't look at us in that way...
-Tzuyu: We are Twice, and it's not brag about ourselves like bunny unnie does... But, we haven't met anyone able to resist us...
-Dahyun: Oppa ignores us from time to time...
-Mina: Maybe that's why we like him that much... We love to have it difficult... (chuckles)

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