Chapter 4

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Few weeks after the meeting and nothing could spoil the luck and prosperity our heroes had. Dozens of people auditioned for the role in the ballet team, the orchestra and even for stagehands as well.

Workers slowly formed the burnt grand room of the Opera house with the help and good memory of Giry.

The auditions were now over and the famous ballet mistress was back on her teaching on top of the stage. Showing a few basic moves and then inspecting each girl, correcting on the mistakes and observing their work.

Her daughter Meg also joined the group, acting as their leader but also their second teacher.

Cáel worked alongside the men and stagehands to repair most damage despite his title as an owner. It was how he has raised after all and the words of his grandfather echoing in his mind.

"A good man and a good leader is the one who will sweat along with his team and do the work they do without any exceptions"

He held on those words dearie and it was now visible as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and looks at the small progress his team was doing.

Morgana was equally busy with cooking for the groups and also assisting the maids and cleaners that had applied for the job. It was hard to keep such a place clean from dust and rats but she managed.

Joining the team they all cleaned the rooms, the dorms and the offices. Following the same words as her brother, she also felt the need to do something. To help. She wasn't someone sitting and watching others work. No, not her.

Even Erik was quiet. From times to times he would come to the surface and observe how far the work would have gone and at the beginning, he was surprised by seeing the two siblings working alongside the crew.

Doing hard and tiring jobs despite their titles. Even the little boy was trying to help the stagehands by carrying ropes or just some water for them. It was a sight to behold and made him wonder how strange this family of three was.

They were definitely strange enough to attract his attention; especially a certain redhead woman who hummed as she cleaned his box.

Morgana hummed to herself as she cleaned box No. 5. She and another maid had already cleaned the previous 4 but the older woman had denied entering the haunted, as she called it, box.

Not wanting to pressure her. Morgana sent her to the next one as she took it upon herself to clean the so-called "haunted" box No. 5.

As she opened the oak door she was fascinated by the interior of the box, much different from the others. She had heard the stories of how the ghost of the said opera used to reserve this box.

Now she could see why. It was beautiful and filled with mirrors. The wood had carvings on them in fine detail that didn't go unnoticed by the Irish girl. Brushing her fingers above them she ignored the dust and recognized the wood.

"Red Oak" she whispered as she took in more the majestic small room she was in.


Erik stood behind one of the two-way mirrors he had placed inside the box. He would have entered if Morgana hadn't beaten him to it. He was about to leave, annoyed that he couldn't enjoy his little special room but stopped as his curiosity got the best of him.

He stood there, quiet as the night herself and observed the young woman who entered and admired each fine detail. He was very surprised when her eye spotted the detailed carvings and admired them with a passion in her blue eyes.

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