Chapter 38

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Once Morgana left, Erik went back to his piano and his new composition. He wasn't sure what he should do with Keegan but seeing him looking around, seemed enough for him. He started to play the new melody, a slow but strong and haunting one.

He closed his eyes, his hands working on their own as the lyrics and scenes played in his mind and in his heart. He stopped when he sensed a presence next to him and opening his eyes, he came face to face with Keegan.

"What are you doing?" he asked and raised his visible eyebrow.

"I want to see you play" replied the young boy.

Erik looked behind him only to see Cu sitting there and also looking at him, those two being his current audience. He cleared his throat and started his melody from the start, as he kept going he didn't fail to notice that the redhead boy was trying to mimic him.

His little hand was on the air and his fingers pressed on imaginary piano keys. A deep chuckle escaped from his lips and caused the boy to stop and turn as red as his curly hair.

"Here", he said as he easily lifted the young boy and put him on his laps. Then, he placed his hand on top of his and guided slowly above the keys. "Now, this note is called the C note..."


The two siblings were standing in front of the steps that lead to the big doors of the De Changy mansion. Cael was dressed in black silk pants and shoes, a white silk shirt with a vest in the same shade of dark blue as the dress of his sister and a long black coat.

The female took a deep breath and the two of them connected hands before looking at each other. He gave her a reassuring smile and she pushed some hair out of his face before the two of them walk towards the doors.


The mansion was old and big, tables filled with food and wine were stationed everywhere and rich people of the higher society were scattered around the big room, chatting and laughing. It was like any other social event they had attended but this time both of them couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Their friend and this family had a past and right now they were literally into the lion's den. They tried to stick together and act normal, talk with people they knew and introduce themselves to new ones.

Once finally alone, Morgana emptied her full glass of red wine and tried to calm down her nerves.

"An bhfuil tú deirfiúr (are you okay sister?)" the older of the two asked.

"Beidh mé I ndiaidh a chéile go léir (I will be once all this is over)" she replied and noticed three people walking towards them.

One was a tall man with short dirty blond hair, a strong jawline and bright blue eyes. He wore a dark yellow-brown gold coat with brown pants and a white shirt. Next to him was a man with a similar face only younger and softer.

His jawline wasn't that dominant and his dirty blond hair was almost passed his shoulders, silk to the eye. He was in black pants, a white shirt with a golden chain around the waist, a white vest on top and a white bowtie around his neck. His black coat reached the back of his knees.

Next to the man was the only woman in the group with brown hair in soft curls that fell on her back while some were pinned behind her head and showed the soft petite characteristics and dove brown eyes filled with innocence.

She was dressed in a fluffy light blue dress with exposed shoulders and collarbone and seemed to add an angelic aura around her.

"The Farrell Siblings I presume," the taller man said as they stopped in front of them. "I am Philip De Changy, I am so glad you accepted my invitation"

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