Chapter 12

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Once her hand was grabbed she quickly turned her body and was about to punch the person who acted that way, her instincts leading her actions but before she could raise her fist more; she noticed the person.

"Count Alard," she said as she dropped her hand and let her body to relax since she was in no immediate danger.

"Forgive me if I startled you, mademoiselle," he said and let go of her hand before giving a small bow.

"It is okay. You should be thankful I realized who you were before something regrettable happened" she said and immediately cursed herself for speaking without thinking again.

Great job Morgana. A lady doesn't punch people, no. Now you gave it all away... ugh... I hate parties with rich people

"Indeed, I can say that the New Year has entered lucky for me" he joked and gave an amused smile that caught her off guard. She had expected him to say, comment or even leave due to her words or her almost finished action but he joked about it.

Perhaps not all rich people are bad, she thought.

"Did you enjoy the party monsieur?"

"Indeed. A lovely party and I can personally tell you that I wasn't the only one. Many higher class people have approved it so far and if I were in your place I would expect quite the publicity very soon"

"Oh, that is so wonderful. Wait until Cáel hears about it. And the cast as well"

"You seem to be referring to the cast quite often mademoiselle"

"Well yeah, why I shouldn't'? I mean, it is them and their hard work that makes all of this reality. Without a cast, and Opera would have nothing to present and show to its audience"


Lucas was impressed and couldn't help but smile at the humble side she showed to him. Been surrounded by noblemen and women, he never had heard someone giving credits to people below them on the social ladder.

No, they would look down upon them and they would only joke about it. Of course, Morgana was no noblewoman. Obvious from the way she spoke so freely, so plain and of course by the way she moved.

Slouched back, big fast steps, no way a noblewoman would move even if she was all alone. He found a liking to that. She was special, unique. A rose in a garden filled with daisies. Charming, beautiful, kind... oh, she was perfect and Lucas wished he could spend more time with her.

Get to know her better, get to see more of this not noble side. He never had the chance, not until now and she was just the perfect person who could show it to him.

"That is correct. However, it is something uncommon among high-class people. A fair warning to avoid bringing them up if you ever get trapped in their talks" he said after he realized he has been quiet for far too long.

"Thank you very much, Monsieur-"

"Lucas. Please, between us, call me Lucas" he said and she found herself blushing.

"Thank you very much, Lucas. I will keep it in mind"

The two of them looked at each other for a whole minute, a smile playing on the count's lips and a faint blush on her cheeks. They were snapped from their little silent moment when a groan reached their ears and they both turned to look that Keegan and the brunette girl were starting to wake up.

"Oh Marie, there you are," Lucas said as he walked towards them and Morgana by his side.


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