Chapter 29

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Weekend for our heroes and also their usual break from the shows. Everyone grabbed the chance to stay at their home, visit loved ones or simply sleep much longer than they usually do. Everyone but a curious Irish redhead

She had woken up early, feeling like missing someone and she did. After the incident with Keegan, she and Erik hadn't talked at all for a couple of days and she might act a little bit too much but she wanted to see him.

After opening up to her about his face, telling him a part of his dark past; she felt even greater need to be with him. Her first thought was to try the mirror in the room but both of her siblings were sleeping.

So, she carefully left the room without making any sound and headed to the only place she knew there was a way to the lair and also the place where she wouldn't be found soon; the prima donna room.

Her boots barely made any sound as she tiptoed most of the way to the big room. Opening the door, she closed it and checked the room.

All clear, she thought and she was thankful that they had no prima donna.

At least not a stable one

In the beginning, they would simply choose the girl who fit better with the main role or as it happened with the last two productions, the prima donna being her. She walked towards the body mirror and could remember the stories Meg told her long ago.

About Erik and Christine and how he used to come from the mirrors.

Her hands searched all around and behind the room, trying to find a switch or something that would make it expose the hidden path. Frustration started to build in as her actions were in vain.

Why must you make it so hard Erik?¸she cursed in her mind and decided to give it one last chance.

If she couldn't find the switch then she would simply give up and go back to bed; in hope to get some sleep. Her hands were careful and she put all her focus to find something different, something that didn't feel right.

Finally, her hands finally found something small and pulled it with force. The mirror in front of her moved slightly and created a gap at the top. Putting her hands into the gap, she pulled the mirror to the side and smirked in victory once the dark corridor was in front of her.

She lighted a candle and grabbed it so she could have some light before walking in, the mirror closing behind her and engulfing her into the darkness. She slowly walked down the path, passing by small puddles and a few rats while she observed everything around her.

Her hand slowly was dragged above the stone wall at her left as she walked deeper and deeper.

After some time, she came face to face with some big steps and she carefully walked on them. Her mind showed her small flashback for the first time she was there and she remembered the traps Erik told her to avoid.

Thanking her good memory, she walked carefully and made sure to avoid making unnecessary movements or end up risking her life. Excitement built up within her once she spotted light at the end of the steps and then came face to face with the lake.

Remembering what Erik had shown her and how Giry had come, she searched the wall at her left before finding the brick that would open the secret staircase. Once done with that, she made the rest of the way from above and she left out a sigh of relief once she was at the entrance of his lair.

Erik was at his organ, playing some music only to stop every once in a while and write it down on a music paper sheet. She smiled as took a deep breath and cleared her throat, not wanting to scare him.

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now