Chapter 23

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She had the rose, she could step back and enjoy her victory but she couldn't. Her body didn't want to obey any command as her mind slowly went silent. Their faces were so close; she could feel his breath landing on her lips.

His hand went to her cheek and she slowly and subconsciously, she found herself leaning on them. They were warm and despite wearing gloves, it felt just right. She wanted to take that glove off and feel his skin against her.

His eyes were looking at her, all this sadness but also a passion that was held behind them. She felt hypnotized, in a sort of trance by them and she couldn't snap out of it. She didn't want to; it felt right for her to be there.

Be by his side, be with him. Her body and her heart screamed for her to move and when his eyes landed on her lips for a few seconds, she lost all control and brought her face closer.

Their lips touched slightly as she closed her eyes. They felt warm against her own that were cold from the temperature outside. After a few seconds, he hadn't moved and fearing for the worse she was about to pull back.

However, before she could or even open her eyes; he kissed her back.

The hand was on her cheek, cupped it gently and pulled her face slightly closer as she melted into the kiss. His eyes closed as their lips parted slightly only to connect with each other again. Her heart beat faster and faster, her blood boiling as she yearned for more.

After a few moments, the kiss was broken and the two of them slowly opened their eyes to look at each other. She was speechless; unable to say a word or to move her body. All she could do was look at him, her head slightly bent to the side, cheek against his gloved hand.

"Morgana," he said a little out of breath, his finger gently rubbing against her slightly flushed cheeks.

She stayed silent, unable to say anything at the moment and also fighting the urge to kiss him again. She took a few deep breaths as well and closed her lips before parting them again. However, before words escape her mouth the bells of the church of Notre Dame; informing them that it was Midnight.

Smiling and looking down, she looked at him again and pecked his lips before taking a few steps back.

"Thank you once again for the lessons, Monsieur Phantom. Have a good night" she said as she held on the rose with both hands and turned to walk towards the door.

"Erik" his voice came deep and reached her ears easily causing her to stop with her hand on the door.

"Erik" she repeated with a smile as she looked at him above her shoulder before opening the door. "Goodnight Erik"



That's all he could say once the kiss was broken, that's all his mind could think of at that moment. She had kissed him and he had kissed her back.

It was a sweet, passionate kiss. He could feel it with every inch of his body, it felt right, it felt destined to kiss her and he did. When they parted he wanted more but he held himself. He had to be careful or he could scare her away.

He kept looking at her, her lips slightly parted and he was waiting for her to speak; say anything. She closed them and opened them again, signalling she was about to speak but before she could; the bells of the church reached their ears.

Already Midnight... such bad timing, he cursed in his mind as they had interrupted his nightingale.

She looked down at the rose as she smiled and then at him, the smile never leaving her face.

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now