Chapter 17

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Another peaceful Sunday had come and everyone, as usual, was at the mass, everyone but Morgana and a few members of the crew. Grabbing the chance, the redhead was on the empty stage; dressed in her costume for the show.

With closed eyes, she repeated the moves and steps she had memorized during this week. She was still far from perfect and the last thing she wanted was to attract attention to herself by being clumsy.

Her red hair would definitely give her away and she didn't want to ashamed herself, her brother or the Opera. She raised one leg up, almost reaching her head and then she bent it before doing a few spins.

She stopped, finishing the small move of Act II and gave a deep bow with legs crossed. Her eyes opened when she heard clapping and blood rushed to her cheeks when she followed the source of the clapping.

"Lucas" she exclaimed as she straightens her back and looked at the count. He was dressed in a white shirt, black pants and his known red coat with a long tail that stopped behind his knees and with black buttons and black material at the edge of his sleeves.

"She can pass for a Parisian, she can make a speech, she can dance ballet" the brunette exclaimed with a smile. "What else can this Irish beauty do? Sing perhaps?"

"Your compliments are flattering. She still learns to dance ballet and only sacrifices herself for the sake of the show" she replied as she played with the edge of her skirt from nervousness.

She felt exposed in her costume, plus he had seen her dance. They were also alone and he showered her with compliments. Too many things so strange to her and she couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

Add the fact that she felt someone looking; no staring at her even though it was just the two of them in the room.

"Oh such a noble soul", he said and gave a white teeth smile. "Don't you agree, Marie?"

"Hello Marie", Morgana said and waved slightly at the shy girl. Her hair at the usual pigtails and she wore a baby blue dress.

"Hi", the little girl said shy as she held on Lucas' hand tightly.

"Forgive me for interrupting but my mind went back to your offer and today I have to look after her. I thought it would be better if I brought her here since she seems to have come closer with Keegan"

The said redhead boy was sitting at the far back of the stage with Cu by his side and looking at the two adults silently.

"Oh, that would be lovely. He refuses to go to the Mass anymore and I am unfortunately too busy now"

It was true. After a few visits, Keegan refused to go again. Even went as far as to hide for hours and not show himself until late the same night, letting his siblings stay in worry. Of course, he was totally safe inside box No. 5, hanging with Erik.

Lately, Morgana had been so busy with the rehearsals and the constant practices with Meg that she barely had time for him or the Opera. She actually felt guilty and tried to make up for it whenever she had time, despite her constant exhaustion and pain on her feet.

"Perfect," the count said as Marie slowly walked towards the stage and he helped her up before she made her way to Keegan who was about to leave.

"Keegan, ná caithfidh tú i bhfolach arís. Téigh dia duit ar do chara. ( Keegan, don't you dare hide again. Go say hello to your friend)", she said in a motherly strict voice that stopped the little boy on his tracks.

Cu was the one to first approach Marie who was slightly scared of the white dog until he took a good sniff on her and then licked her hand. The girl laughed and knelt as she started to pet the dog.

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now