Chapter 34

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t's been two weeks since Morgana opened up about her past to Erik and she couldn't have felt better. She left more relaxed, freer and she was in such a good mood that even the dinner with the count didn't mind her.

Erik also helped her to write properly and also taught her music notes and strings on the violin. On free nights when everyone was asleep, she would slip into his lair and practice with him. He said that she was a fast learning student and soon she would be able to play simple songs in the violin.

Sunday once again came and Morgana let out a yawn as she stretched. The previous night she spent a few more hours with Erik since Sunday's she had no rehearsals as Prima Donna for their newest production.

She rubbed her eyes with the back of her palms and took a few minutes, looking up at the ceiling as slowly the whole sleepiness faded away. That was when she realized that her side felt awfully cold.

Looking at her right, she noticed that the bed was empty which was peculiar since Keegan was supposed to stay with her today. Looking at the time, she noticed it was only 10 and she couldn't help but wonder where the young boy was.

Cu was also missing and it was unusually early for him to be up. She decided to get dressed, wash her face and comb her wild hair before tying them into a ponytail that was held by the red ribbon Erik always ties around the roses he gives her.

Thanks to him, she had more than enough in case she lost a few. The silk felt nice to the touch and she couldn't help but smile as Erik flashed into her mind. Her life has just been feeling so... perfect, peaceful, full from the moment she and he accepted their feelings for each other.

Cleaning a little bit her white shirt, she let the three buttons open and raised the sleeves up to the elbow. Seeing that she was good, she opened the door and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast.


Once eaten something small, she started to look around for the duo. She knew Keegan was in the Opera as he was not the kind to go out alone, plus Cu was with him and Erik always did his small patrol of the Opera.

So the only problem was the places she had to look. They were simply too many and the place was huge on its own. After a little research that ended up in a dead-end, she made her way to the central room.

She stopped at one of the wings of the stage and rubbed her eyes at the scene in front of her.


Erik had woken up early and then had woken up the young boy. He simply couldn't forget the day he faced those bullies and learnt Keegan's secret. After that day, he felt closer to the little boy and even a little overprotective.

After a week, he couldn't take it anymore so he managed to persuade the young boy to allow him to teach him some basic defence and offence. Keegan was hesitant at first but he agreed and now they were in the middle of the empty stage.

The Phantom had double-checked that they were alone before making himself visible and start his lesson. It had been around an hour and Keegan was absorbing everything like a sponge.

"When you duck, bring you right leg a little more to the side" he instructed as he was standing behind the boy and helped him do the exact move. "Then, when you have the opening you bring your other leg forward and use the momentum of your move to punch. Aim for the neck or the nose"

He finished his instructions by doing just that, punching the invisible opponent. Keegan nodded and mimicked him which earned a nod from Erik.

"Again," he said and watched as the boy ducked an imaginary punch and sidestepped before stepping forward and punching the air. "Again"

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now