Chapter 5

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Erik sat down in his lair, tired and exhausted from the battle within him. In the past, the voices only reminded him of his beloved angel, Christine, but now they were in a fight. Ever since his eyes laid on Morgana, ever since her voice reached his ears...

Everything changed. She was in his mind, popping at random times and driving him crazy. A small part of him aced for her touch, her voice, her eyes but the voices in his head kept only reminding him how cruel love was.

How his heart belonged only to one woman and how he had run away from him at the sight of his face. Leaving out a heavy sigh, he looked at the empty music paper sheets on his organ.

Ever since that night, he couldn't compose. He lost his touch ever since... regret and guilt over the damage of his house filled his heart once again. Thankfully, it was slowly being saved by the siblings; and he couldn't help but be slightly thankful for that.

However, all those memories didn't go away. All those emotions. Sometimes he wished he could rip his own heart out and be free by such bounds that only caused him misery and sadness. His hands grabbed his head as the voices in his head didn't want to silence. Eyes closed shut as he tried to find some inner peace, to rest and then he heard it.

That sweet music, that voice

"Morgana" he found himself exclaiming before he could even think of it.

Slowly the song reached his ears and soothed him. His mind finally was at peace and he focused more on the song only to hear the sad tone behind it and listen carefully to the words that were being sung.

It was a sad song, filled with pain. The pain of the heart and slowly his heart aced too. He wondered what happened that caused this nightingale to sign such a song. Standing up, he didn't even bother to grab his cloak as he quickly made his way towards the source of the voice.


Reaching the chapel, he stood hidden behind the statue of the angel as memories of a young Christine invaded his mind. However, they were easily overpowered by his will, now stronger as he only wanted to focus on the song.

He stood there, in a trance as he listened with his eyes closed.

The song came to an end and he opened his eyes only to see Morgana wiping a tear.

Was she praying? Was she singing for someone she lost? He wondered as his eyes fall on the picture and saw that he was right.

"Máthair(mother), Athair (father)... I know you are listening and I want to thank you for your blessings so far. As you can see, the Opera plans are running smoothly and soon we will open it again. However, I am not here just for that... it is Cáel. He is working very hard, you must have noticed and he is much stressed. He doesn't know how to run an Opera house... none of us does..but we have to try... therefore, I ask for your guidance. Please, guide him the proper way, help him run this Opera House and make the dream come true"

Her voice was smooth, like silk but held so many emotions. Hearing her, he was surprised that she prayed and asked for guidance but not for her. For her brother who apparently had troubled ran the Opera.

Taking a deep breath, he let his eyes rest more on the kneeling woman and even follow her figure as she stood, grabbed the picture and walked out of the chapel while the two candles she had lit; were burning slowly.

Being to Ireland before and with his vast knowledge of words and languages, he recognized that the two people she asked for help were her parents. That made him wonder what happened to them.

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now