Chapter 16

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Almost two weeks now into the production of the new play 'Romeo & Juliet'. For reasons unknown to Cáel, Erik had chosen this romantic drama but he trusted the masked man's instincts.

He wasn't very much fond of drama, too much pain and sadness and no happy ending. It reminded things he tried to forget and for that reason, he kept himself isolated from the rehearsals and decided to focus on the public image of their name and of course of the Opera.

Morgana was on the catwalk, dressed in her usual attire and put oil on the chains and wheels that were responsible for the curtains and some special effects. Her attention, along with the rest of the stagehands, was drawn to the stage and most specifically to the ballerinas.

"What is going on?" she asked as she slid down a rope and landed on her feet gracefully before wiping her oily hands on her pants. She didn't care if it was not ladylike. These people were her family now and they knew her for who she truly was.

"Looks like that Claudette is getting engaged and will leave with her count overseas," Madame Giry said, her back straight as usual and her accent visible as her two hands were holding her black walking stick.

"As much as I would like to congratulate for the great news Claudette, you cannot leave mid-production," Morgana said as she stopped next to the ballerinas and looked at the said one.

She was around Meg's age, 22 if she recalled correctly with short brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I know Madame Morgana but it is not my choice. Gabriel is leaving for Germany and I have to go with him. Please, Madame, you need to understand" the girl said and faced the redhead with puppy eyes.

She felt weird being called Madame since she was not married but that was not the main focal point at the moment. Leaving out a sigh, she looked at the ballet mistress.

"Madame Giry, can't the dances be continued with her absence or cannot perhaps find a replacement for her"

"I am afraid it is not possible Morgana *hits her stick on the ground* the dance requires an even number for the formations! However, without Claudette, there will be an empty spot and there is no time to find a replacement soon enough"

The Irish rubbed the bridge of her nose and placed her hands on her waist as she tried to think of a plan, a solution to this problem. Suddenly, Meg had an idea and spoke it out loud.

"What if Morgana takes her place mama? She is a good dancer and there is time for her to fix what she might do wrong"


"Hmm" Giry exclaimed as she looked at the said woman who was left blinking, mouth open.

"I cannot do that. I am no dancer, especially a ballerina"

"On nonsense. I have seen you train and I have already taught you a few moves. You are more than good to be in the group"

"Please Madame Morgana"

Looking at the happy face of Meg and the puppy eyes of Claudette, she found herself in a dilemma. She couldn't dance, no, she was too shy for it. She is to work in the shadows, not in the spotlight. Her palms started to sweat as she looked at the two girls and then at Giry who seemed to be thinking the same thing. Finally, after a moment of silence; she gave in.

"Alright I will do it," she said and she was immediately hugged by the two girls. "Only for this show. After it, we will find a replacement"

"You will change your mind after the show" Meg exclaimed as the two ladies broke their hug.

"You are the best owner I ever had Madame," Claudette said as she ran back to the dorm to fix her stuff.

I am the only owner you ever got, she replied sarcastically in her mind and kept it there, no need to say it out loud.

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