Chapter 18

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Big day for the Opera Populaire

The first night they would play the show Romeo & Juliet and that was also their second play after the Grand Openings. Once again, the Opera was filled with rich people that sat in every single seat and box available.

Minus, Box No. 5 which the siblings' reserved and left it empty for their dear Phantom who was as excited for the show as the audience beneath him. How could he not be? His little nightingale was in the choir for the first time.

Across from him at Box No. 1 Cáel was sitting along with Keegan, dressed in fine clothes as the respected owners.


Morgana was standing among the other ballerinas, her heart beating faster than normal. Her palms felt sweaty and butterflies occupied her stomach. It was her first show and she was as nervous as she could be.

Meg noticed this and placed a hand on her shoulder while offering one of her famous angelic and kind smiles.

"Do not worry Morgana. You will do just fine. We practised everything and even Mama approved and said you are ready and if Mama says that then you have no reason to think otherwise"

Morgana gave a faint smile at Meg before turning her eyes on the stage. Meg was right. She knew all the steps by heart, even if her mind was blank; her body knew what it had to do.

Just have faith. You can do this. It is no different than the rehearsals... well only with dozens of rich and snotty people who will have their eyes on you. Damn, do not go against me now, it is too late to go back now.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

I cannot back down now. No, I never back down. I stand and fight. Yes, this is what I will do. I face my fears. I can do this, I just need to think of something to calm me down... Keegan, yes! And Deartháir

The faces of her loved ones flashed into her mind and slowly she found herself calming down. They were watching and rooting for her. She wouldn't let them down, no. Suddenly, their image was replaced by the face of Erik.

First masked at the masquerade and then at the stage. With his white half mask on and those light blue eyes filled with pain and sorrow; his warm hand under his chin and his deep soothing voice that was making her shiver.

Suddenly, the nervousness left her body and a smile found its way on her lips.

He is out there. He is watching and I promised I will make him proud. You better be watching closely monsieur Phantom

And so, the curtains were raised and she ran to the stage along with the rest of the girls. At first, her body was slightly stiff as she felt the eyes of the people on her. She might have been at the very back but her hair definitely gave her away.

She stopped in one of the poses as the actors started to sing their parts. Grabbing the small chance, Morgana looked at the empty box and the image of Erik flashed into her mind again, giving her courage.

When she had to dance again, she did it more smoothly. Her body now relaxed as she let the music and her memory to lead her.


The show was coming to an end; Juliet (the prima donna) had just woken up to find her Romeo (the soprano) dead by his own sword. Singing a slow song and the closing of today's show, she grabbed the fake sword and stabbed herself before falling over the corpse of her lover.

As the two families arrived to find their children dead, the closing time came as the ballerinas came from left and right in a line and danced, doing a few spins around the fallen lovers. A narrated song of their love was sung by them and Morgana found herself smiling as they did their final move.

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