Chapter 14

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Cáel walked towards his office, silence around him and he found himself missing the clumsy brunette. However, he did have fun when he was here and hoped one day they would be back. That was the future though and he had to focus on the present.

Entering the office, he could still remember how it was the first day; dark, dusty and messy.
Now it was just perfect. Clean, the desk was organized and so were the drawers. The window behind it was open and the curtains pulled aside, letting some light to enter the room.

At his left, pressed against the wall, was a bookcase filled with books of different ages and genres. Some were his, the rest were found there and apparently belonged to some of the previous owners.

Next to the bookcase was a full body mirror, surrounded by the same wood the desk and bookcase was. Cáel would admit that he had spent some time observing himself at that mirror and slowly observe how even his clothing taste had started to change.

Well, he had too as the official owner of a Grand Opera House.

Closing the door behind him, he wasn't surprised when he spotted the familiar letter with the skull wax seal. Smiling, he walked and sat down on the chair before opening the letter and started to read it.

Once finished, he looked at the copy of the new play that rested in front of him. Giving once again a bow to the shadows, he took the script and headed towards the cast but not before leaving a letter of his own on the desk.

Something that didn't go unnoticed by the Ghost that watched him from the other side of the mirror


Erik, as usual, was waiting for Cáel to read his letter. Through the past few months, he had been watching him either reading him or when he made the changes that were written on it. This time, his letter even congratulated him for the first day and was shorter since they were nothing that needed to be changed.

His expression was usual, he noticed. The small smile when he first saw it and the normal expression as he left his office to make the announcement. However, this time he could see that he was less enthusiastic and less energetic.

He did, of course, blame it on the fact that the couple and also their friends had just departed less than an hour ago. His sharp eyesight didn't fail to spot that this time, the young owner had a letter already in his pocket which he left on the desk after his usual bow.

Once the room was empty, he pushed the mirror to the side and walked towards the desk before his black-gloved hands grab it. It was a simple one, the 'Phantom of the Opera' written on one side and the other was left open, no seal keeping it close.

He opened it and took out the letter that apparently was addressed to him. The letters were slightly messy but still readable.

Monsieur Phantom,

Happy New Year and may it be prosperous for you and the Opera House as well. My deepest thanks for your help and I would like unofficially to address the night's success to you.

Your help has played a major role and I do hope the two of us will keep working together, as partners, to assure that more days like the ones that passed will come. In addition, Madame Giry informed me about your previous salary and do not worry. It is unknown to her of your live stats and will stay like that until you wish it to change.

I start this month with 8000 francs and once the glorious days come, it will go back to 20.000 but until then, I ask for your patience.


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