Chapter 27

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The next morning, Morgana was asked constantly about her hands and she gave the same reply.

"I was trying to sew something but I only ended up hurting myself"

It earned a lot of laughter but at least no one suspected anything which was good.

"Morgana. May I talk to you?" Madame Giry said as she approached her.

"Of course," she said without showing her worry and let Meg alone as the two of them walked down the stage and at the far end of the big room. "Something wrong?"

"No, just a few questions about you and Erik"


"When did you meet him?"

"At the masquerade. He asked me for a dance and then we talked on the roof. I told him I knew he was the phantom but that was it"

"Has he offered you any lessons?"

"Well... not really... he just helped me with that French song during the show where Carlotta was here and then a few lessons to be able to sing properly the song at the current production... he also did give a few pieces of advice on proper breathing"

Hearing her, Antoinette found it hard to believe it. With a voice such as hers, it was strange for Erik not to approach her right away and offer her lessons. Yet again, the current play, she was certain it was his and it was no coincidence that she was the prima donna.

"How many times have you been down there?"


"How many times have you been down there?"

Morgana didn't understand why all those questions. Well, she had the basic idea why but she still found them rather ridiculous.

"A couple of times. We usually went down there to practice along with the music" And not as many times as I wanted, she continued into her mind.

"Had he shown you his true face? Under the mask?"

"...No actually. However, I do not bring it up either. He will show me once he is ready and I won't pressure him for it"

It was true. She was very curious to see what was below it but she didn't even dare to place her hand on that side. She respected his privacy and preferred to be patient with that part than doing something that she might have regretted it.

"The last question, has he ever got mad at you? Or ever showed you any signs of aggressiveness?"

"No, never. Not even when I hit notes wrong, he never did" Minus that time with the sandbag but Lucas caused it with not taking a No for an answer. "Madame Giry, with all respect I understand your worries; I truly do. However, this needs to stop. You might know Erik more than I do but he has changed. He is not the man everyone tells stories about. He is simply hurt and misunderstood and I assure you that he is not the man that was known as the Phantom of the Opera"

It was true. All those questions, the worries; it was getting out of hand. Erik might have done some bad things in the past but that doesn't mean he didn't change.


Antoinette kept asking, she had to see if the pattern continued. There was a reason why Erik went back to his old self, why he was here and why he was after her however with each answer, she only ended up having more questions.

"The last question, has he ever got mad at you? Or ever showed you any signs of aggressiveness?"

"No, never. Not even when I hit notes wrong, he never did. Madame Giry, with all respect I understand your worries; I truly do. However, this needs to stop. You might know Erik more than I do but he has changed. He is not the man everyone tells stories about. He is simply hurt and misunderstood and I assure you that he is not the man that was known as the Phantom of the Opera"

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now