Chapter 25

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"Come in," she said with a smile as she stood up, the rose in her hands.

She expected Meg or her brothers or even Erik but she was faced with none other than Lucas.

"Lovely show prima donna," he said as he closed the door and walked to her, a bouquet of dark red roses.

Then she remembered him; sitting in Erik's box. Her anger rose but she contained it and took the bouquet before placing them on the vanity.

"Thank you count Lucas. I did notice you were in box number 5 today, any particular reason why you were there?" she asked in the calmest voice she could master, her right hand holding tightly on the stem despite the prickles that pierced her fingers.

"Why shouldn't I be there? I mean it is a lovely box with perfect acoustic"

"Because this box is supposed to be left empty. I am pretty sure I and my brother made it quite clear"

"Oh yes you did," he said as he took a step closer, now standing in front of her. "However, isn't a shame to let such box empty? To not allow people to enjoy a good spot of the show? Do not tell me you believe it is haunted?"

She raised her head, she was tall but he was an only half-head taller than her. She could feel blood coming from her fingers were the prickles had pierced but she used the small pain to help her keep her demeanour.

"What if we do?"

"Well, I just proved that there is no such thing as a ghost. Especially since the so-called Opera Ghost was nothing but a man"

"That doesn't justify that you went against our only rule. You shouldn't be sitting there"

"And who should? Your Phantom of the Opera?"

It took all of her self-control to not let her face show her surprise. She held the rose with both hands and let her other fingers get pierced too in an attempt to get a grip on herself.

"Excuse me?" was all she managed to say.

"Oh, you heard me. I know everything. I know that this lunatic with the mask is back and that you are hiding him here. Why else leave the box empty and clean? I know he is here, the incident with the sandbag... I know it was him. He is alive. The murderous freak of nature is roaming free, now, in this very Opera once again-"


There was a silence in the room. Morgana had just slapped their patron and hard enough to make his bottom lip bleed slightly. He looked at her with a murderous look into his eyes, his hand on his lip as he wiped the blood which he observed.

"How dare you" she hissed. "Accusing me of such things. You want to know why the box was left empty and clean? It was because I and my siblings, unlike all of you higher class scums, respect the dead man who was once known as the Phantom of the Opera. To us, he was a man with talents who helped this place gain the publicity and worth it deserved. He was a man who was accused of being in love and despite him being dead; we honour his memory by keeping the box empty and clean. Now, stop chasing shadows and welcome to the real world count. The Phantom of the Opera is dead, gone. I advise you forget about this... this... idiotic thought before you harm yourself and your family's name"

With those words, Morgana didn't even look at him as she opened the door and stormed out; leaving a shocked and speechless count.


Erik had seen the men chasing after his nightingale and a deep chuckle left his mouth. He should have been angry but he knew that those fools wouldn't be able to even touch her with her brother and Giry around.

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