Chapter 21

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Monday, the first day after the break and everyone was back to their spots. Cáel and Erik haven't yet decided on the play but they would any day now.

The stagehands were on the catwalk and backstage, pulling down and storing away the props from their last show. They hadn't done it due to their break and they did it now. Something Morgana didn't fully approve but didn't blame them either. As long as they did it, she wouldn't say anything.

The orchestra was practising a few pieces while also giving music to the ballerinas who had started their warm-ups and were trying some new moves and stances. Morgana should be with them but she promised she would join form the day after.

Since they were not rehearsing yet, she wanted to make sure that everything else was going smoothly and they would be no complications that would end up with her stopping the practice in the middle to attend them.

She was more into this kind of stuff, labour work being her part while Cáel took care of papers and talked with rich people, advertisement, tickers, budget and many more. Plus, Keegan had already taken her place from the side of the stage and was mimicking the dancers.

Morgana was dressed at her usual clothes and her hair was on a ponytail that stopped a little above her butt. She tied the rope on the top of a sandbag and then held it as she gave a signal to Roger, an American young boy, to pull the other edge of the rope.

Slowly the sandbag was lifted higher and higher but when it was mid-way, a high pitched noise shocked Roger and he let go of the rope causing the sandbag to fall. Thankfully, the redhead was fast enough and jumped out of the way as the bag landed on the stage.

However, everyone's eyes were on the source of the high pitched sound.

"I am back!" the sound which was actually a woman's voice reached her ears and turned her attention to see exactly what was going on.

A woman in a fancy pastel and pink dress with dark red hair in endless curls was walking to them; a pink matching hat on the side of her head and a horrible makeup on her face. Behind her, two servants were walking and by her side, a man who was shorter than her and had started to grow a belly.

"Carlotta?" Meg exclaimed and covered her mouth with her hand as mutters started between the old members of the Opera.

Oh, sweet mama Ireland, you must be kidding me, the Irish said in her mind as she had already heard more than enough about the Italian Diva.

"The one and only! Now, where is the owner? I have to talk about my position as Prima Donna" she said as she stopped in front of the stage and noticed the maestro. "Mr Reyer," she said with an evil grin and poor man paled and placed a hand on his forehead.

He was tortured with her as Prima Donna for 5 seasons. He couldn't pass through it again.

"Carlotta," Madame Giry said and drew the attention of the Diva. "There has been no play yet and there are little to no chances that you will be taken as Prima Donna"

"Oh, so you have one already? Well then fire her, because no one will be as good as me. Don't you agree, Petro?" she said in a thick Italian accent and look at the man.

"Of course my Carlotta" he said and they shared a kiss, causing a face of disgust to most of the members.


Morgana had enough of this. This woman's voice was causing her a head ace and a part of her wished that the dear Phantom would throw something at her and cause her to shut up for a minute.

She looked at Keegan.

"Téigh go deartháir mór (go get big brother)" she whispered in Irish and the little boy quickly nodded and ran to fetch the said man from his office. She then took a deep breath and spoke. "Have or not have, the answer is still a no to you. Your days as Prima Donna in this Opera are done" she said in a strict voice as she walked towards her.

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