【️ Motive part 1 】️

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Ouma's POV

I clicked my tongue as I exited the elevator. I felt sick and light headed but who could blame me Since I truthfully crashed down the floor harshly because of that creepy mask guy. I groaned and grab my head, constantly wiping my forehead with my scarf to avoid the blood from Actually dripping down my entire face. I placed a hand on the wall to support my stumbling steps.

" ugh... the worst... " I complained pressing my back on the wall. I've only reached the dormitory but at this rate I might collapse before so. I sighed remembering those two's reactions earlier when they saw me.

" They didn't really care do they... " I muttered before letting a dry chuckle escape my smiling lips. I began to take unsteady steps around the walls towards the door of the dormitory. It was a hassle and exhausting that even my vision was giving up on me, blurring my surroundings once in a while. Each blur lasting longer than the other when it comes.

I tripped over my own foot and crashed to the floor just when I was about to reach the door. I tried to crawl to it. " Just a... bit... more..." I stretched my arms out to the door fearing of falling unconscious in such a unsafe place.

My eyesight started to darken.
" Ah Fuck... shit not now... at least... let me get to my room... damn it... " I cursed at how weak my own body is and how weak my will was against my numbing body.

Why can't I just act like one of those people in the movies that despite being Overly injured they'll like continue to fight and stand even if it is kinda i mean Very unrealistic?

" Upupupu~! What a surprise! " I groaned at the annoying piece of metal that appeared for once I hoped it was Kiibo than it being Monokuma. Kiibo wouldn't be of help if he sees me like this though...

" S... sai... hara... an... elp... me... " I weakly called out before my head fell to the floor as my consciousness fades.

" Upupupu~? The detective? Well I guess this'll be a good motive~! "

Damn I'm too weak... Sorry everyone...

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