【️ No more Red 】️

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Kokichi's POV

She died.

" yeah she did. Das saD"

I eyed her body having no intention in getting near it.

What should I do?

" What Can You do? "

My hand covered my mouth for a while trying not to gag. " H-himiko... " I muttered. I had to smile. I have to think of this as a happy thing! If I did then it will right? It won't be harder for me. I forced a smile over my lips eyeing the blood that pooled below her little body. There were small holes all over her body.

" How Brutal. "

I chuckled. " it is, isn't it? " I giggled before starting to laugh out loud. " This is great! " I exclaimed with a dark expression, my eyes expanded and my smile rivalled Cheshire.
" This'll make the Game more fun! It'll be interesting now! " Nonsense nonsense all the bullshit I'll say it! Someone hit me someone kill me already Everyone's already Dying!

" kun... "

" I feel like I'm killing them myself! "

" Ouma kun! " I stopped laughing while my smile fell into a line as I stared at him. Saihara cupped my cheeks with his hands while he blocked my view from the lifeless bleeding Himiko. His concern expression was the only thing I could focus on. I opened my mouth to try and anger him saying things like.

" Your second waifu died that's sad. "
" Aw there's less girls you can date now so you have to stay with me! "
" You have to investigate or I'll execute Everyone since I'm the mastermind! "
Kind of bullshit.

He frowned before letting his forehead touch mine. " Ouma kun... Look at me... for now... " He sounded desperate and weak. It made me feel pride somewhat from a reason I wasn't even aware of.

I smiled at him victoriously and cupped his cheeks. " Only if you look at me only. " his eyes shined with emotion I couldn't tell. Fascination? Amusement? Surprise? I couldn't pinpoint it. He smiled oddly enough it made my heart squeeze at the sight. My thoughts diverted from the dead body to Saihara.
" don't look at anyone else "
" don't leave me "
" you only need me "
" even if you keeps rejecting me, I won't give up. I'll make you mine even if I have to chock you to death. "

" You're fine just the way you are. You don't have to smile if you feel down or disgusted. " Saihara reassured. I widened my eyes.

How would he know that I was forcing myself Everyone believes me but why can't he?
My eyes became teary but I made it more dramatic by summoning more tears in an exaggerated manner.
" WAAAAAHHH! SAIHARA CHAN DOESN'T BELIEVE MEEE!!! SO MEANN! I REALLY LIKE HIMIKO! BUT SHE DIED SO I'M SAD! " His eyed narrowed before I stopped crying and smirked. " That's a lie! I couldn't care less about Himiko! I like Saihara san more! "

His lips curled into a smile. " Yes. Little Ouma really likes me. I like little Ouma as well. "

" I like Saihara san more! "
I glared at Saihara. I wasn't sure how well he had observed me to know me this well. Ever since I woke up in the meeting room, to meet up with Miu the next few hours, with the others after I fainted in front of Monokuma something is off. This tiny voice in my head full of innocence and at the same time malice kept invading my thoughts and sometimes even my own words.
Monokuma did something to me.

I kneed his cheeks like clay to snap Saihara off his lala land when he stared at me. He blinked and smiled. I swear if I'm not a liar I would be blushing right now but I'm not a liar so I'm not since I won't be blushing for an emo guy like him. but that's a hella big gay lie right there. And I hate liars!
Saihara san is very cute!

" Get a room you gay freaks! " Miu shouted. She shifted her feet to bend her body a little her right hip to the side. Her melons bouncing while she does it like a dirty slutty bitch she is. I glared at her before smirking. Her entire demure changed into a shaking scared little swine we all know and love. Except I'd never love her for she disgusts me with all my heart. The Miu I knew was never this vulgar since she was just a quite person that was easy to Manipulate.

" Gonta! Let me be with you while Shumai investigates! " I claimed raising my hand while skipping away to the giant classmate of mine. Saihara's face went to concern to confusion.

" I thought Ouma san wouldn't trust Gonta kun?  " Kiibo suddenly questioned. I tilted my head at him with narrowed eyes.

How does this washing machine knows that I don't trust this buffalo?!
I smiled at everyone and hugged Gonta.
T̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶i̶r̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶s̶k̶i̶n̶ ̶r̶a̶i̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶g̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶u̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶u̶c̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶e̶a̶s̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶f̶i̶l̶e̶d̶.̶
" I loooooveee Gonta so much I'll die for him! That's a lie! I'd never die! I'm gonna live till I die! I'm gonna laugh till I cry! Neeheehee~! "

" He doesn't trust him alright. That person was right. " Saihara confirmed nodding his head while he looked over to Kiibo.

That person?
Excuse me bitch who is this other person? Is shumai cheating on me with someone else who's informing him about me?!

" Ah I see. I thought he really did trust him. I just I still don't know him well to distinguish his lies from truth. " Kiibo gave an embarrassed smile.

" huh? " what does Kiibo meant? Even though he's just a bunch of bolts..

" Better start investigating Losers! "

" Let me be your partner this time Sidekick! "

I rolled my eyes and turned to Gonta. " hey big fella how about we play a ga— " Something tugged on my sleeve which made me respond with a flinch and a step back before turning to the cause of my surprise. Saihara stood there nervous with a frown.

" Ouma kun... d-do you want to h-help me investi— " I shook my head which made him widen his eyes. " B-but... "

" Shumaii~! As much as you wanting me to be your partner in crime, You already have your space idiot as a partner so~ Ciao~! "

" Oh my! Is that An Anime reference?! " Tsumugi called out. I stuck my tongue out in a tainting way to annoy her.

" No. You weeb! I don't know Animu! " With that I left with Gonta.

Um... just realized I might disappoint you guys with the investigation since I'm not good with that and I'm stupid xD so don't expect too much in that part.
Thanks for the encouragements tho! To those people that left those kind words in the previous chapters before this.
( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥) You guys are such kind humans
Thank you sorry.
Hopefully you have fun reading this book.
My ideas are slowly getting jumbled and wild so hopefully this won't wack the whole story.
Thanks for reading my ted talk owo
Thank you!o(〃^▽^〃)o

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