【️ Investigating 】️

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No one's POV

" I was talking to Kiibo before that virgin came along and stole one of my stuff. Kiibo chased after him so I was left alone my lab. So I started inventing some things instead of going after that abortion! "

" I was cleaning my lab waiting for the time when We'll all meet up for this announcement Miu was going to make. I noticed that there was a wand in my lab so I went and searched for Himiko. After that Kiibo appeared chasing that bastard. "

" Gonta was looking for bugs! Think there was a shiny ones in the hallway when he passed by. Gonta not know when he passed by. "

" I shall repeat it again. I was having a nice chat with Iruma san and he took the screw driver from her lab so I chased after him. He tackled me into the ground and Tsumugi helped me up therefore we continue to chase each other then I bump into Maki and Himiko earlier so Maki told me. "

Kaito and Shuichi turned to Ouma ready for him to tell him what he's been doing. Ouma tilted his head slightly. " I was stabbing poor little magician in the back before hunting the refrigerator with a butcher knife! "

" Come on! Take this more seriously! Stop lying! We actually need this or we'll all die except the murderer! " Kaito growled. Ouma made a nervous chuckle which caught the detective's attention.

" Could it be that you don't remember? "

" me? Not remember?! " He placed a hand on his chest while making a dramatic gasping sound. " I remember everything the moment I came out of my dad's womb! My mommy took my tongue and replaced it so that I'll never reveal any top secret information that can inevitably and dangerously endanger our lives! "

" You can just say no, Ouma kun. " Saihara sighed. The detective turned to Tsumugi waiting for her to state her alibi.

" Himiko was with me when we parted ways after talking about the time we're going to meet Miu. We chatted and all. We parted halfway since she told me she was going to the bathroom and I should go ahead. I bump into Ouma who had this creepy look on his face... " her eyes went to Ouma. " W-well to be fair... Ouma san makes a lot of creepy faces but that one was disturbing. " Ouma pulled out one of his creepy faces and made the cosplayer flinched. " Um... oh! He asked me where this Kiyo person is but I responded that I didn't know. After he left me alone, I saw him straddling Kiibo and trying to use the screwdriver he had on him. "

" I see... "

" How about your alibi Kaito? " Tsumugi questioned with one of her eyebrow raised.

Kaito raised his hand in a nervous manner.
" training. Don't tell anyone. Makiroll will think of me like a wimp. " with that there was nothing left questioned as they all dissipated to search in different areas, not missing the way Shuichi looked back to stare at Ouma's back who walked away from him with Gonta.

Shuichi kneeled down to look at Himiko's remains. There was small holes on her vest body. Mainly the back near her neck and spine.
☛️Himiko's corpse
The murder weapon was still not found. The leaking of blood shows that she's been bleeding for a while now. It can be a needle or even the tip of a scissor.
☛️ Murder weapon.
Tenko's gonna kill me if she knew Himiko still died.
Shuichi sighed, depressed and disappointed at himself.

" Sidekick! " he turned around and saw Kaito pointing at the ground seeing loose bolts laying there. " This must be Kiibo's, right? "
☛loose screws & bolts.

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