【️ Library of Memories 】️

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Saihara's POV

I eyed the lad. He looked like Ouma too much. I must have been staring too much since our eyes met.
" I am but a guide created by the helmet~! Everyone has different paths they'll have to take and our main thing to do is know how you guys perceive me? Momota san? " He gestured to Kaito his palm facing his direction which the three of us looked over. Kaito observed the guy's face.

" You look like the Gremlin but... weaker? You're wearing an all black uniform while covered in bruised. " He hesitantly stated while scratching the back of his head.

" Oooh~! Ding ding ding! He gets the High School Memorial book! " The guide announced running over to one of the shelves in front of us and reappearing with a blue covered book with damaged letters which was titled ' High School' in red ink. " Here you go young astronaut muscle head~! " Kaito hesitantly held the book near his chest with an uneasy look to the guide.

The white haired guy turned to Maki with a smile. " and you? "

Maki glared at him before looking away. " the bastard still looks the same to me. White annoying clothes and purple hair. "

" oooh~! So Ultimate Memorial Book perhaps? Hmm." He entered the third bookshelf right beside us and took out a white covered book. It had a weird logo on it in which I'll assume is the DICE logo. It didn't had a title but it seemed brand new. He turned to Kiibo.

" You look small...? " Kiibo nervously commented. Kaito laughed and I tried to surpass a chuckle. Ouma was indeed small for a guy but his height was one of his cute features. " I-I mean a child! Your form is a child! Blue sweater and black shorts. White hair different colored eyes. Does that help? " The guide nod his head and went over to the first book shelf. He stood on his tiptoe an grabbed a book with a brown paper looking sketchbook cover. He handed it over to Kiibo then lastly his eyes went to me.

" U-uhm.. Your height is the same as our Ouma's.. white.. short straight hair.. different colored eyes.. and um.. white clothes with a dark colored cape and hat.. " He looked away in deep thought.

" There is no memory with that sort of description. Your trial might be renewed. An error must have occurred." He covered his ears while we watch him. " Monokuma gave you an easy task. " He eyed me with his purple and gold colored orbs. He took a step back and lifted his cape up to reveal a small child with white hair & different colored eyes. " for the audience sake and readers, you're task to bring him everywhere as you join them one by one in the book of memories of their trial. "

" H-huh?! " I widened my eyes shock.
Isn't that harder though?! While taking care of a child?!
" B-but This child is like 4- "

" 6. "

" -This child is like— Is 6years old! What if something happens to it?! " I paled at the thought of Kirumi's murder happening to that child. The child hid behind the guide but his eyes remained glued to me.

" Monokuma stated that there would be dire consequences if the child dies. Everyone would fail their task which would bring you back to reality with a dead Ouma Kokichi. He'll hold a trial and frame someone else for his death. "

" T-that's not fair! " Kiibo complained. "Framing someone for his own evil schemes is just wrong! "

" Why is the child so important? " Maki eyed the small child hiding more so because of her stare. The guide grinned and held the child up.

" This guy.. Well~ You can think of it as Ouma Kokichi himself. "

" Then why does Sidekick have to bring him with us in this books? "

The guide handed me the child and lifted a small book that contained a mess of papers. He smirked mischievously at us giving us a bone chilling feeling. " one of each books contain Ouma Kokichi's deepest darkest secrets that hold up his entire personality." He took out a paper that showed a picture of Ouma having a piggyback ride on Gonta. " If you damage the book or page by any chance~! " He slowly tore the paper in front of the child and the child remained, emotionless, staring at it. " Then he'll forget about that bond neither would he have the ability to trust you as a person capable of helping him."

Then That-
" Then w-with that paper! T-the one you tore apart! " I pointed at the pieces of paper on the floor. He nod and his smirk widened.

" Yup! He wouldn't be able to trust Gonta now~! " Kaito raised his right fist in anger but Kiibo and Maki held him from doing anything violent. My eyes kept on glancing at the child silently watching us from my arms.
" He doesn't need anyone to trust after all~! " the guide giggled before twirling on his heels. " Let me explain what you guys should do! Basically treat this as a game! Monokuma is advertisement a new VR game feature for this motive! If you kiss the back of the baby's hand you'll see his status! "

I hesitated but compelled to do it. I pressed my lips on the soft skin of his back hand. I heard a giggle come out of the baby's mouth and a smile stayed while it was directed at me. A small screen came out of his hand and various words was placed in order.

→️Name: Ouma Kokichi←️
→️Age: 6←️
→️Lvl: 2←️
Affectionate (New)
Saihara Shuichi
→️Dislike: ←️

I eyed the traits and then back at the child. He is Ouma. Ouma actually has Heterochromia...
Maki sighed while Kiibo raised his arm to question the guide.
" Is there any specific requirements we have to clear to finish the motive? "

The guide's face darkened into a dark sinister expression that only his now red eyes and smirk can only be seen.
" You have to kill The traitor. "

" How about we kill the bastard instead? " Maki suggested. I snapped my head to her in shock before looking back at the child. He looked pale as if he... understood what she was implying...?!
I covered the little guy's ears in fear of what the child could be hearing soon after this.
" He's just a bother in the group anyways. It'll save more time and stress if he's gone anyways. "

" M-Maki please! Don't try to kill Ouma kun off in every chance we get..! L-let's not talk like that i-in front of the child! "

I raised a brow and kissed the back of little Ouma's left hand.

→️Name: Ouma Kokichi←️
→️Age: 6←️
→️Lvl: 3←️
Cautious (New)
Saihara Shuichi
→️Dislike: ←️
Harukawa Maki (New)

The guide chuckled before turning to Kiibo.
" Well then why not start the journey from his book! You can guess from then on why this motive is important to complete. The people assigned on the book will be one of the people that could only come with you on every journey you go to. "

Kiibo eyed me and I nod. I eyed little Ouma who tilted his head at me with a confused smile. I smiled back to him before returning my attention to Kiibo.
" Let us go then. "

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