【️ Bid the Children Farewell 】️

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Saihara's POV

" I wanted to say sorry man. " Momota—Kaito apologized to me. I looked at him and frowned remembering the scene I witnessed. Ouma being beaten up to that point.

" why are you saying sorry to me when you should be apologizing to Ouma kun.? " I looked away from him the feeling of frustration overwhelming me from ever forgiving him.

" I... I did... " Kaito sounded nervous but I didn't know why. I smiled though. Ouma is such a forgiving child of course he'll forgive Kaito! So I should forgive him too! For Ouma's sake!

" Okay! " I cheered he embraced me and pulled away with a joyful expression on his face. My head then wondered where Harukawa was or if she had also apologized but I shook the last thought away knowing she would never.

" Ouma san! " I turned my body to face the sound. Kiibo's voice calling out to Ouma.

" Catch me! Catch me Toaster san! " He taunted. Arms on the air while running with a smile. He reminded me of lil Ouma with how adorable he was acting. His eyes met mine and his smile widened. " Saihara san! Saihara san! " He called out, a big grin on his face while his hands went a grabby motion towards me. When he reached me, I pulled him up and twirl him for a second before letting him sit on my arms. Fortunately enough my training and Ouma's light weight made it easier for me to carry him. He giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Muahahahaha! " He laughed before raising his arms in the air in glee. " Higherrr! Saihara san strong! "

How long is Ouma gonna act like this?
It's like this past days never happened. Why did he leave since that day though? What's with Kyoshi as well? Why is he clinging to me now?

He turned his head at me and showed his tongue. I chuckled and planted a kiss over his cheeks. His cheeks turned pink and he placed his hands to cover his cheeks. " Saihara san pervert! " He whined out shutting his eyes in a poor attempt not to look at me. So cute~!

" Ouma san please give it back to me. " Kiibo finally reached us and instantly pleaded to Ouma.

" Give what back kiibo? " Kaito questioned leaning closer to me while Ouma try to push him away with his two hands. He was complaining about being close or something. I guess Ouma didn't like Kaito getting near him.

" He took Iruma's screwdriver and this happened. We were trying to help Monotaro with his memory loss after all. " He turned his back at us only to point out the huge opened part of his back showing his programming.  " I was having a nice chat with Iruma san for a while and he took the screw driver from her lab so I chased after him. He tackled me into the ground and Tsumugi helped me up therefore we continue to chase each other then I bump into Maki and Himiko earlier so Maki told me. I thought that he had at least regain his former personality with all this jokes of his. " Kiibo sighed.

I nervously smiled. Yeah it would be great if Ouma's back to normal...

" I'm the circus itself! " Ouma stated with a smirk on his lips. He placed a finger in front of his smirk and tilted his head to the side. " I make things interested in this place! "

" Ah..? " I blinked " What if his personality and lil Ouma's are merging? "

Kiibo hummed for a while thinking it through.
" That could be possible. But I haven't gotten that close with Ouma san to know who he is exactly so I can't judge. "

Kaito placed his arms on his waist before giving me a thumbs up. " That's my sidekick! You know the little rat so well! "

My blood rushed to my cheeks heating it up slightly. I looked away with a shy smile. " O-of course... Only I know Ouma kun that well... " I felt confident and smug that I was the only Closest person he trusts in here.

" Cause I like Saihara chan~! " I snapped my head to eye him with surprise when I saw that devilish smile on his lips. His eyes looked to be in pain though. He clasped his hands together before tilting his head slightly. " Oh my~ Shumai is carrying lil ol me? How romantic~! " He stepped down and pulled away from me. I instantly miss his warmth but didn't protest.

" I... n-no I was just— "

" Ugh. The gremlin's back. " Kaito groaned. I shot him a glare before looking at Ouma proudly standing in front of me radiating with mischief and confusion.

" ah yeah. Welcome back Ouma kun. " I blushed with a smile. " We... I mean... I really miss you. " I'm more comfortable with this Ouma since I didn't need to be the one chasing after him.

" Aww~! Shumai misses moi? Yes yes! Have you fallen for me? Have I stolen your maiden gay heart? "

" Shut it. My sidekick wouldn't like you. He isn't gay as well! He's just so nice that he said that he misses you in pity since we tried helping you for so many times! " Kaito smiled. I couldn't help roll my eyes at him. The thought of breaking Ouma's heart makes me wanna break something else or someone.
I don't want Ouma to suffer anymore after what he been through.

" Um... If I may interfere— "

" O-oh my god! A talking Thin Can?! Disgusting! Humans don't interrupt when someone else when they're talking you know! Ruude! This is why you're just a bunch of metal! "

" Ouma san That's Robo— "

" Gosh you people are boring. " He looked at his nails in fake boredom. I smiled at him.

" HEY! You just interrupted me! "

" Yes he did and you're always interesting Ouma. " I countered. Ouma eyed me with wide eyes before staying silent. " Don't worry Ouma kun. You're fun to be with. " I reassured hoping he wasn't thinking of his past while saying those words earlier.

" Eww! Shumai's so flirty! Ew! That's a lie! I like Flirty Shumai but I'd love it more if~ " He tugged his scarf slightly downwards and with his free hand over his  shoulder gliding his teared collar to the side to show more skin near his collarbone. He winked. " He wanted to do more things to me than flirt~! " My face went red as if smoke had puffed out of my ears and face. He laughed at me then wiped the tear of his right eye from laughing too much. " Well then Sayonara Peasants! I'm going to do some Supreme evil leader work! " He ran off.

" Ah wait Ouma kun! " I called out. He threw something to me and I dodged it. A screwdriver had stabbed the ground beside me.
That could have kill me!
I stared at it in shock but regained my composure and chased after him soon after.
" Ouma kun!! "

" Ew! Ew! Pervert Detective is chasing me!! " He suddenly yelled out. I narrowed my eyes ignoring how much redder my face can make.

First he clings to me and now he's running away from me. Am I really that unwanted?
I quickened my pace for a while trying to catch him in our little goose chase. He suddenly stopped and I did too.

" What's wrong? " I asked worried and confused. I went in front of him only to see such a horrible sight. The announcement sounded with that hateful music that reminded me of all of my friends' death.

" A Dead Body has Been Discovered! "

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