【️ Where do we start? 】️

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Saihara's POV

I widened my eyes at Maki's words. Sure they don't like each other but I was still caught off guard by how cold and harsh her words were. I snapped my head to Kaito as if I was begging him to make Maki change her mind. I didn't think he looked back to me but....

" Don't be like that Maki Roll! " He lightly scolded before standing up from his seat and heading over to the helmets.

" Don't call me MakiRoll... "

" I'll go and save that rat from whatever! " He announced. I couldn't help smile and stand up.

" I-I'll also... " I volunteered moving to where the helmets are and grabbing one. The helmet was light as a feather which made me question how it was going to work. " I'll go and save Ouma kun... " I closed my eyes and smiled at them.

" Gonta help! Gonta Help save Friend! "

Kiibo looked over to Miu who seemed to be in deep thought then at Himiko who was silently eating with puffy eyes.
" I will also help! "

I couldn't help smile to myself seeing as we had all four helmets ready to be used. Maki stood up, the chair scrapping the floor with a ears screeching sound.
" I'll go with them. Gonta stay here instead. "

" But Gonta wants to help. " Gonta frowned.

Kaito looked over to both of them and frowned. I needed to persuade one of them to back down or we'll never be able to go soon and save Ouma.
" Then one of you guys can stay and help take care of Ouma kun's body while we're trying to save him. " I proposed with a nervous smile. Maki shot me a glare definitely not wanting to be left behind which made me bite my lower lip in nervousness while Gonta on the other hand made a loud gasp, catching my attention.

" Gonta will stay then! Gonta protects Kokichi friend from bad guys! "

I smiled knowing everything was settled.

We all went to Ouma's room and placed futons on the side of his room. It took us a while to clean his room from all the rubbish and toys he had, the toys were the ones I gave him when we spent time together but I wouldn't tell anyone that. I couldn't help chuckle seeing that he had every single one of them and not one was thrown away seemingly making me feel special.

We'll save you for sure.

. . . . . ...

" ugh... " I groaned and opened my eyes. I slowly sat up while eyeing my surroundings. We were in a theater room and the chairs were just behind us. We were laying on the black colored carpet flooring and the stage had a dim light setting.

" Owch! "

I looked behind me and saw Kaito on the floor holding the top of his head while holding back a on cursing maybe. Behind him was a tipped over chair that was different than the others. The supposed to be cushion was wood and the black plastic supporters that plants the chair on the ground was only metal stands which was only place on the ground but is moveable.

I shouldn't be laughing at him

K-kaito are you okay? "

" I'm fine! Nothing happened! My head just hurt I promise I'm fine Sidekick! "
He definitely doesn't wanna talk about hurting his head on the chair..

I covered my mouth at the scene Kaito had made. Maki groaned and sat up soon after eyeing everything with a glare.
" Where are we? "

" I think a theater room? " Kiibo finally woke up. He was standing and looking around then stopped. He narrowed his eyes and pointed.
" I think there's someone there..? "

I followed his gaze and it lead to the stage. I saw a man with a cape and a hat standing in the middle. The bright stage light focused on him. " I... Don't know... we're supposed to be in Ouma kun's mind right? "

As if on cue, the speakers began to sound.
" Welcome to the play everyone! Take your seats or we would never advance to the game! Move those lazy ass peasants~! " Ouma's voice stated. Our bodies moved without our consent and went to take a seat, Kaito tipping over again before finally being able to sit down properly. That chair is a defect maybe.

" What do you think will happen? " Kiibo whispered from my right side, Kaito on my left and Maki besides Kaito.

I shook my head to show how clueless I was in this situation. The man in the middle bowed and moved back while the lights closed before the curtains began to move apart.
" There's a village near the woods where many villagers lived and survived by raising hoards of sheep." Houses began to pop out of the grassy terrain and the villagers appeared seemingly all 9 of them looked like us. Tsumugi, Kaede, Rantaro, Kiibo and Gonta and I wasn't there. The vilagers, our classmates paced left and right with furious expressions on their faces.
" The villagers wouldn't trust anyone and kept their riches to themselves. Even the lambs had lost their fences and wondered around the fields." the missing students had appeared as lambs but Tsumugi remained unseen.
" There's a certain kid in town tasked to watch over them because no one else would and that there were wolves. " I saw Kaede's & Rantaro's cotton like clothes get painted in red while they leaked out their blood and lay on the ground lifeless while the wolf had Tsumugi's and Monokuma's face on it. " The boy was a liar. He often lied by shouting that the wolves was here to make the villagers make truce with one another. The more he called out to them the more they joined together to hate the child. Then one day..." A wolf with a girl having pink hair tied in two ponytails on the sides of her head appeared, larger than a normal wolf. Tsumugi and Monokuma on either sides of her.
" the Biggest bad wolf appeared with her two friends... and the boy called out. But no one came to help him. He let the lambs go free." We ran off to the village leaving Ouma the child behind. " And the child protected the sheep with his body. " The boy got eaten instead which satisfied the big bad wolf...- " The girl with pink hair left the two wolves which then the two headed to the village. " But the other wolves began to attack for more food. " I widened my eyes and covered my mouth as the gruesome scene of everyone getting bitten off and killed by Tsumugi and Monokuma.

The man fron before appeared once again walking over to the middle, his shoes tapping on the wooden floor of the stage making me feel goosebumps. He held his hat and took it off while he bowed. " The end~! Thanks for watching so intently viewers! "

" Ouma kun?! " I suddenly shouted as soon as I saw his face when he looked up. His hair was white however but I knew his voice far too well to mistaken him for someone else. I started to head over the stage ignoring everyone's calls. When I arrived in front of Ouma just in front of the stage he stood, he opened his eyes. He had purple and yellow orbs which made me gasp. " Your eyes..! "

His lips turned to a grin and his whole complexion even his body turned into a black misty substance. His form bent to somewhat like a ghost and only his red eyes and wide grin was left to be seen from the black mess.

" Haloo~! Saihara chan aren't you so eager to see Kokichi ~? " His grin widened while my complexion paled at the sight.

" What are you- "

He took out a book and soon the book swallowed the whole color or maybe the scene of the theater. The moment he closed it however our surroundings turned to huge library.

" I am a guide that will help you. " He snickered. Red eyes narrowed as his grin stretched upward. He looked behind me and I soon followed him. I saw the others glaring at him. " I won't hurt anyone no worries~! Since I'm not the one hurting anyone here~! " He snickered again.

" Hey where are we?! " Kaito questioned and the strange creature seemed to have bend forward and stretched to let it's head reach about an inch away from Kaito's face. Kaito's breath hitched and loss it's color in fright.

Maki glared at the creature when It had caught her glare.

" We are in a library. " He stated

" and why are we inside the library? " Kiibo joined raising a finger over his ear to show that he had something to say before saying his question.

" Well~! This is a library where Kokichi Ouma's Memories are stored! " it gestured at the shelves and the books. The whole place technically.

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