【️ Motive part 2 】️

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No one's POV

It's been 3 days since Korekiyo's execution and no one had dared to talk about the silence. Himiko was always in her room crying making Tsumugi deliver her food by her door as it is. The detective took note at how the silence was never broken these two days oddly enough Ouma wasn't present as well for those two days. He grew worried and anxious at what the liar might be doing so at the first day he went to the liar's room and knocked receiving no answer. He wasn't able to try any further for Kaito & Maki appeared and took him with them to train. On the second day the detective decided to stay in the dining room for the whole day until night time announcement rang. He spotted no liar sneaking in.

Has Ouma not been eating?

He took it as a possibility that Ouma must be upset at the everything that happened in Korekiyo's murder case. He sighed today was the third and he was deciding whether he would go to the Vr simulator Miu was talking to them about or look for Ouma more.

Miu did tell him to meet her at the rooftop since she knows something about the outside world. He felt curious but he highly doubt that Miu, the inventor who's always stuck in her lab, would know more than everyone does.

" Upupupu~! " The monitor in the dining room flickered and revealed the two toned bear everyone despised.
" Hello my despairingly disobedient or maybe really obedient Students~! I had made a special motive for everyone~! "
Saihara's heart drop at the thought of someone killing another. They were already so few than before. The bear took the camera and the view went black with a few footsteps can be heard.

" We've prepared them Father! "

" Yeah! He's good to go! "

One of the cubs took the camera from Monokuma, who took a step back and revealed a room. It seemed like the same design as the participants have but more messier.
" Guess who's room this is~! "

Kaito slammed his left hand on the table while his right raised at accusing finger at the screen. " It's Monokuma's room! It's your room isn't it, Monokuma?! "

" Bzzz! Wrong! " Monokuma sighed before the camera moved in and everyone saw someone covered by the blanket on the bed. Saihara sucked in a breath in fear and anticipation.
" Ta-Da! " He took the blanket away and revealed Ouma Kokichi curled into a ball. He was in a bad condition; forehead covered by blood that soaked the sheets just below his head and his complexion was paler than he already is.

" Ouma kun?! " Saihara couldn't help stand up in shock. The others didn't bother looking at him as they all were too focused at the sight of the most mischievous person of them all covered in blood looking like he wouldn't last long was in Monokuma's reach. " What did you do to him?! "

Monokuma smirked. " Upupupu~! " The floor below the monitor suddenly opened as if a secret compartment was there before 4 neatly lined up headgear was there.

" Hey aren't those mine?! " Miu yelled out.

" So who's gonna go and help our little leader from dying? He's losing a looot of blood and no doubt I also sealed his conscious from any possibility of him waking up. So he either died from bloodloss, lack of food & water or~ Someone happens to kill him while everyone's helping to get him out of this motive~! Well it all depends on you folks~! Toodles~! "

" Let's kill the bastard then. "

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