【️ Shy Ouma 1 】️

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Kaito's POV

" This seems to be an old school? " Shuichi looked at the sight of the plain building that had started to silently taunt me with an eerie FEELING in my gut.

Ah that's right.
Before the black hole appeared, I was exploring this plain building. It was an average school with two buildings that divides the High school and Elementary class from one another. Everyone looked dull and exhausted while some looked intimidating. " I don't... like this place Sidekick. It gives me the chills. "
I feel like I've been here before.
Looking behind me as I stood up in front of the school, Shuichi was back to his lala land cause he was thinking detective stuffs. Sighing, I began to speak up.
" What's bugging ya Sidekick? "

" I'm still a little confused to why Kiibo's book was a lot more simple. It was too quick. I didn't understand. I made my own theories but I feel like there's something else... " He grabbed his head in frustration which made the little guy worried. Little Ouma stood on his knees and cupped Shuichi's cheeks. He eyed him worriedly.

" S-saihara san, Okay? " He stuttered. Adorable but concerning since he's that Rat after all.

" I... I'm fine Ouma kun. Just... tired. " Ouma knitted his brows before his lips shivered.

" L-liar... " He timidly called out. He took a step back before looking away. " this place... i- I know... this place..." He stared at the school. I took a step behind him trying to get a better view of what he was looking at. I followed his gaze and it landed on the roof.

? What's with the roof?
Due to the tall fences on the roof for the student's safety, I saw a couple of moving shadows behind it. I squinted my eyes hoping I had ultra awesome eyesight. When I couldn't distinguish it, I gestured for Shuichi to come over. " Oi Sidekick... "

" hm? What's wrong Kaito? " Shuichi took a step forward to get beside me. I pointed at the moving shadows. He re-enacted my own actions to get a better look. Before shaking his head to tell me he wasn't some sort of superhuman to see that far.
" It's too far. I doubt we can tell what's happening. Maybe it's just a group of friends goofing around. "

" Yeah.. Maybe they're friends... " Ouma spoke before turning to us. He seemed to be thinking of something. He was quite weird considering he's quiet and not lying.


" Ouma kun? " Shuichi tried to touch Ouma's shoulder only for the little guy to pull away with nervousness on his expression. He didn't seem to act like a child despite how he looks.

" Hey Sidekick. How old is he now? "

" hm? " Shuichi looked back to Ouma and stared. " Earlier he was 12 years old. I don't know if his age has to do anything about this motive though... but it's unsettling seeing that... if I'm correct. Then every book we enter, his age changes but for some reason... I can't figure it out yet. " Ouma looked away from him. Weird.

" Did something happen to him? He's... i don't know a little... Nervous? Scared? " Shuichi hummed in response before sighing. He stood up and ruffled Ouma's hair.

" Maybe this place is messing with his head. That guy did say that every book contains some sort of trauma. " He observed the students that had been entering the school. "He's not letting me kiss his hand so I can't check the status if anything's wrong with him. I wouldn't want to scare him if I just throw my body at him. "

I choked on my own saliva at his words. My cheeks turned red in embarrassment. He looked over to me surprised.
" Gosh Shuichi! Do you hear yourself right now? It's sounds like you want That Gremlin's virginity. "
I covered my mouth to hold back a laugh when Shuichi's face changed to red.

" I-It's not like that Kaito!!! Don't make it weird!"

" I didn't! " I shouted back.

" You are! "

" Sidekick! I just said you make it sound like you want to do something horribly sexual to The Gremlin! I never intended to make it weird! " I used my fingers to quote 'the gremlin' to emphasis that I meant the Kokichi Ouma we knew of and not the child. Or that would be a crime. No one wants to have the whole FBI crew kicking you down for being rather inappropriate with a child. Well unless they're a pervert that is.


" I'M NOT TRYING TO MAKE IT WORST! " By this rime around, both Shuichi and I were full on shouting. And I forgot already what we were fighting about. The passing by students entering the school were glancing at us and the Little Ouma was staring at the space between us.


A book suddenly appeared between us to block our sights of one another effectively cooling down our verbal fight. We both looked in front of us, Little Ouma staring back at the person.

" P-please don't cause any p-problems for the school... " His purple curly hair and purple eyes weakly eyeing us in a poor attempt to look confident while his demeanour was least convincing since he's filled with patches abd bruises. He timidly smiled at us and lifted the book to embrace it near his chest. " L-Let 's settle the p-problem a-at the Student's C-council's room. "

Shuichi's POV

I stared at the person that interfered with our conversation. Ouma?!

『️ Ouma Kokichi. Age 14. First Son. The youngest person in Student Council. 』️

I grabbed his arm that held the book which made him flinch and pull back weakly. I released my hold feeling that I've scared him. " I... uh... sorry. You... you look like someone I know. "

Ouma closed his eyes, the arm that I held earlier placed near his chest as if holding his heart. He opened his purple eyes and smiled.
" I-it's fine..! I.. uh.. well.. you also look like someone I know.. I couldn't help not i- interrupt you guys w-when you're arguing... I-I'm sorry...! "

Ouma covered his face with the book while facing away but the redness of his visible ear was obvious that he was embarrassed. I see his feet shifted and he slightly seemed fidgety.
" hmm.." I looked beside me to see lil Ouma shaking his head left and right while his arms covered his cheeks. His face was blushing as well. He was making weird noises though unlike this Timeline's Ouma.

" I-I see..? " I glanced at Kaito seeing him with his back turned to me while his body behavior suggested that he was talking to someone though no one was there. " Kaito? " He flinched and looked behind his shoulder before giving me a nervous smile while turning to face me.

" Sorry bro just a little... Sidetracked. "

I felt like there was more to that. Ouma can distinguish lies right? I directed my attention to the small one seeing him still in his world.

" Ano... How a-about I get you something to drink? You can settle t-this at he Council room.."

Less people and closer observation. A good choice.
I nod my head and smiled as he led us inside the school. I reminded myself of Ouma's status from earlier.

→️Name: Ouma Kokichi←️
→️Age: 12←️
→️Lvl: 7←️
Cautious ( New )
Saihara Shuichi
→️Dislike: ←️
Harukawa Maki
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