【️ Motive 0 】️

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Ouma's POV

I was casually investigating the room with my hand over my chin mimicking my Shumai's way of being a detective. Though I am a Supreme LEADER and that meant I am Far smarter than my beloved detective but I wouldn't say that.

' I'm just an apprentice detective... I'm not really that smart... '
I covered my mouth with my hand and let out a chuckle. His nervous expressions were still cute even if he doesn't have any confidence in himself. The only problem was Akamatsu. She wasn't boring but she's a hindrance. My Saihara can't do anything on his own without needing someone to push his back for him. Her last wish was the thing driving him to be friends with that sack of muscles.
My poor detective will be an idiot in no time! The mastermind might even be able to use him if he gets careless!

I bite the nail of my thumb in annoyance. Worry and irritation clouding my head which made me lose focus on my surroundings. Next thing I know was me stumbling on a broken wooden seesaw plank that slammed straight to my forehead.

" Wake up. "  A familiar frustrated voice called out. He groaned and seemed to use his hands to shake me. My eyes trailed to the ground. It was muddy and the droplets from the harsh rain was rippling through those dirty waters around us. I looked to my left and noticed a car. It's headlights shining somewhere beside me. I tried to turn my head a little more and saw a child with the same purple curls hair as me on the ground laying on his own blood with the mix of water. " You little— I said WAKE UP! Are you LYING RIGHT NOW? YOU AREN'T EVEN DEAD! "

My eyes adjusted at my surroundings and lifted my head up when it came out as my whole weight was plated to the floor. The floor had a puddle of both dry and wet blood that came from my forehead that was Still bleeding. I heard mumbling.

" Are you lying? "

I turned to the silhouette in front of me just a little far from my hazy eyesight to catch. " It's a lie! " I responded with a grin. The tone of my voice echoing into my ears loudly causing me to wince but it appeared as my body shivering only slightly at the liquid.

" You jerk. Why can't you just die? " Harukawa growled before turning her back at me. I pushed my body whole body up and sat straight with my legs crossed into an x. I forced a laugh to make it seem that I meant to play around.

" You shouldn't joke like that. " Saihara was the next one to respond. With his eyes focused at me with a soft expression yet it was filled with disappointment. He was eyeing me like I had betrayed his expectations. He blinked and step forward arms ready to grab me when I stood up with a wooble. "I-Is that real blood?!"

I felt disappointed as well since it must have been obvious but I shook it off since it's possible he thinks I was able to make a more realistic blood like liquid to come out of my head. That's too much credit. The wound that was caused from that wooden plank fall was covered by my hair on the front just sticking into the edges of some of the dried blood.
" I don't know my beloved detective~ You tell me~! " I smirked but a dizzy spell came which made me lean to the wall. I acted it out as me getting tired of standing with them. I used my hand that was on the wall as an action of my tracing the room with it before reaching the door.  " I'll be going now since Miss Caretaker might actually Kill Me! " I tainted. She took a step forward and that was my signal to leave. I headed to trial grounds in no time since running with a light head and a body short on blood wouldn't make you wobble around and trip over your own damn short legs when you run. I couldn't afford wasting time when I'm already losing blood. Did the fall stricked my head that Hard? I'm very hard headed tho. Jokes aside...
I silently laid my head on the fountain knowing the grounds won't open unless it was actually time for the trials.
" I might... have to ready my will soon... " I muttered before closing my eyes.

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