【️ Shuichi Has Fallen 1 】️

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Harukawa's POV

I plainly eyed the two sobbing and wailing like children. A transparent figure of the guy that was leading us earlier pressed his index finger on his lips to indicate me to be quiet. I wanted to disobey him and yet when I tried to speak. I couldn't. From the gap of Shuichi hugging the little rat, he tilted his head down to stare at the floor. His yellow orbs containing spirals. I blinked and saw his eyes as normal again.

" Shuichi. "
Shuichi flinched before nervously looking up from Ouma's height. His eyes went straight into mine and yet he looked so frightened.
What the? I remember that he was with that idiot before being transported here? What about him? Did something happen to him?
" What happened? "
He didn't broke the hug which was annoying and he didn't answer my question which was irritating. I grabbed the little rat off him by pulling him by the back of his collar. His tiny legs dangling on the air while I eyed him directly at his eyes. It was yellow and purple much to my surprise. His eyes teared up yet again before summoning a wailing tantrum fit. Swinging his arms and legs on the air like a brat he is.
" Tck. Brat. " I threw him on the floor and groaned in annoyance. I could handle those angelic kids in the orphanage but not brats like him.

" You guys are running out of time~! "
The male's voice echoed in my head. I shook my entire head before glaring at thin air hoping I had already killed it. The voice seemed to have quieted down. For the most time I've spent in this town like structured place. I've Encountered weird people. Kaede who was cheerful and bright appeared as arrogant and mischievous. Kaito who was an idiot well he still was an idiot here but he was rather violent and still Noisy though. Shuichi who appeared as a timid detective bumped into me while watching something gorey with a obsessed perverted expression on his face. I haven't bump into that piece of shit rat yet.

" Ouma kun?! " Shuichi hurriedly grabbed the lil shit off the ground and nursed his head as if that rat would get any dumber than he already was. He gave him a kiss on the head before hugging him.

" Stop being all chummy with him. He's the mastermind. You're doing what he wants you to do. " I hissed at the sight giving a fair warning to the naive detective friend I have.

Shuichi responded with a shook of his head.
" O-ouma kun isn't a bad person. " He sternly spoke confident of his own words. Stubborn.

I rolled my eyes and flipped my hair to put it behind me as I faced the tall building I haven't entered yet. Hopefully that shit was here so I could give him a piece of my mind for messing with us. I was on a race for time considering Shuichi is too brainwashed to tell me about what happened to that space idiot and him.

" H-huh? Where are we? " Shuichi looked around, his back turned to me while he did so. He slowly stood up with the little rat on his arms. " Where's Kai—Momota san? " I decided to shrug off the sudden change of words he used. I walked over to him and placed my hand over his shoulder. He snapped his whole body to face me after taking a step back.

" What happened? What are you scared of? "

He looked away nervously. " I-I just got caught off guard... " I observed him for a while waiting if he'll crack under my stare. He shifted his legs and tightened his hold on that rat.
I don't need to be a professional liar to know that he's hiding something from me.

The little rat child glared at me before putting his small hands on Shuichi's hands. Shuichi looked at him with a blink.
" I... uhm... Ouma kun..." He began to stutter. It was annoying how long they were wasting time. I already couldn't find any clues to get out of this hell shit motive because of this bullshit.

" Just get on with it. " I demanded. The little rat brat flinched.

" Don't call him that, Maki... " Shuichi gently scolded his eyes reflecting that I have hurt him.
Why is he being overly sensitive with that brat? 
" O-ouma kun can I? " Ouma handed his hand, back facing the detective. He gently placed his lips on his skin like it was the most precious thing ever.
Ew. A transparent light purple glow envelopes the status board that floated in the air.

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