【️ Shy Ouma 2 】️

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Shuichi's POV

I haven't checked the status yet.
Kinda worrying but I can't force Ouma...
Currently, Kaito and I, as well as this cute little troublemaker, are inside the Student's Council room to repent for the chaos we were making during 7. Apparently it was 7 in the morning and we were waking the whole neighborhood. I feel guilty for being so loud...
The person who had stopped us, Ouma Kokichi, was the vice president.
Kinda surprising but okay..?
He sat on the right couch in front of us while we remained on the other couch on the left. He was quite and polite. He softly asked us questions about how we started to fight and shout at each other. Obviously I'm not gonna say that Kaito said it was in a sexual way

" um... " He placed down the tea pot in front of us with a kind nervous smile. " i-if you still want to d-drink it... i mean... " He nervously shifted his legs while remaining seated. He was blushing from time to time stealing glances looking at me. Lil Ouma seems fidgety too so I'd assume that he's mimicking this Ouma's behaivor. Kaito wasn't paying attention anymore since he has been staring at his reflection in the tea for quite a while now.

" Ah I'd like that. Thanks. " I responded with a smile. His expression brightened up reaching out to pour the tea to my cup.

" Uh- um... Y-you're very nice for a guy... and... pretty... " He mumbled. I blinked at him before taking a sip of his well prepared smoothing tea. He bashfully looked down when our eyes met. " k-kinda cute... "

" Oh uh thank you I guess? " my hand lay flat on the surface of the coffee table while I leaned to him to tilt his face up by the use of my thumb on his chin. " You look cute too. Mond showing us around, cutie? " a smirk replaced my soft smiling lips.

" He looks so vulnerable. Easy to manipulate. Easy to capture. Easy to use."
My eyes narrowed while I studied his reaction. His already red cheeks had turned to another darker color that seemed like he was on fire. His eyes despite the other being a contact lens, they seemed like cupid had struck an arrow through him.

" Sidekick? " those unfamiliar thoughts faded and I felt embarrassed with my own action. I sat down hastily before covering my face.

" Please don't tell anyone about this Kaito. " I whimpered. I didn't see his response but hopefully he had agreed.

This timeline's Ouma seemed to be overwhelmed with my previous action that he did notice the nosebleed that occured. He was just there staring at me with that embarrassed red colored face.
" Woah dude. I think you broke him." Kaito spoke. He used his jacket's sleeve, the one he doesn't wear on, as a cloth to wipe the blood off Ouma's nose.

I snapped my head to lil Ouma as if he was in danger. Well you could say that. The small one was blushing and drooling while his expression was directed at the other Ouma. I hesitantly grabbed his arm and planted a kiss on the back of it.

→️Name: Ouma Kokichi←️
→️Age: 14 ←️
→️Lvl: 7←️
Easily Embarrassed ( New )
Saihara Shuichi
→️Dislike: ←️
Harukawa Maki
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I'm not sure if I should feel delighted or concern at Ouma's status right now.

I blushed and looked down.
Does Ouma really like me that much?
My eyes landed on this timeline's Ouma. His clothes was black which was the opposite of what I grown to see him with. The image of this Ouma smiling so softly at me made me feel like My Ouma's usual smile has more to it than what he's been showing everyone in the killing game. Not that I'd blame him for not being honest with his feelings. He doesn't trust us after all. His soft skin and chubby cheeks earlier. The paleness of his skin makes him look like a doll adding that his eyes looks dull when he doesn't smile. His bouncy purple hair remains adorable on my list than his straight white one though that hairstyle makes him look more feminine like. The way his lips pucker when he frowns or talk before hand. His habit of being restless and uneasy was so new to me it looked adorable.

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