【️ There's something wrong with you 】️

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Mastermind's POV

" Hey. Don't cry. " I stared at the whimpering child in the middle of nothing but darkness. I fought the urge to smile at the sight. Ouma Kokichi was crying. This Supreme Leader was vulnerable. I kneeled down in front of him before laying my left hand on top of his fluffy purple head. He flinched but continued to cry out.

" S-saihara san... Saihara san... "

I chuckled at his words before squinting my eyes slightly as I smile. Tilting my head to the side before moving a little bit closer to him.
" That's right. " I whispered to him. Placing my right hand on his cheeks while putting my left to my knees. " Saihara chan isn't with you anymore. " I leaned closer to his ear.
" He left you. "

Ouma stopped his sobbing and looked up to me with his teary purple and yellow eyes. At this point I couldn't surpass my lips from curving upwards. His eyes was full of denial and hurt. His lips trembled as he tried to get his words across me. " H-he must be looking for me t-then... " He reasoned out while standing up, determined to leave this space.

" What if he wasn't? "

He looked down to his feet with his hands clutching his sleeves.
" I... He won't l-leave me... h-he's different... "

My smirk widened as if it reached my ears.
How precious.
How kind.
How forgiving.
Just like that woman.
" Oh~! What if he isn't? " I grabbed his cheeks and forced him to look up to me. I felt that thrilling sensation of breaking him. The excitement of making him taste despair. Junko wanted this. Junko wanted that.
" He chose Kyoshi more than you. " He tried to open his mouth to counter. " He saw you kill your father and watch Kyoshi die. " His eyes wandered to the side but forced him to look back to me by grabbing a fistful of his hair within my hands.

" D-don't say that... "

I laughed at him. I laughed at how weak he was. It was refreshing to make someone weaker than you break. It feels Wonderful.
" You're a murderer. No wonder. The others never wanted you around despite that Assassin fitting in. They forgive her because she wasn't a monster. She has a good reason for killing after all~! "

" B-but I was going to be— "

I tilted my head further to the side and stared at him with a blank expression. " He already touched you enough. So why kill him for just a tiny manoeuvre trying to initiate a heated session~? "

He went silent. Laughing at his defeated expression, I threw him to the ground and straddled him while smirking at his reaction. He looked like he was going to cry again. He was trembling. How despairingly irritating~
I wrapped my fingers over his neck and casted him a sad smile.
" It's better if you're dead after all. "
He didn't resist. His eyes was spiraling down to despair like I had hoped to show my Junko of. But she died before seeing this masterpiece. Ouma Kokichi the boy who withstood that despair video without despairing. Junko's Ultimate fascination and attachment to him. Is now will be gone.
" You're alone again. " I let my tear drop to his cheek before I watched his eyes dulled.


Shuichi's POV

" Hello! Saihara chan~! " Opening my eyes, I saw the woman that my lookalike had high admiration of. It was Junko. She smirked and took a step back. " Wooow~! You died right there. Sad. "

" Where am I? "

She rolled her eyes and adjusted her glasses. " You're inside Ouma Kokichi's mind. Currently at the blank space where his memories wouldn't reach you. "

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