【️ The starting of Despair? 】️

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⚠️⚠️ ima just uh warning for triggers ⚠️⚠️
???'s POV

『️ Creating Last Scenario... 』️

Saihara with his little Ouma and Kiibo appeared in the this timeline's Ouma who was residing in the bedroom. Ouma stared at the ceiling with a blank expression.

" H-he looks so dull... " Kiibo whimpered uneasy and saddened at the sudden change of behavior a child has. He looked at Saihara with a frown and the detective responded with himself biting his lower lip in worry.

" W-we should go closer? I guess?" Saihara  hesitantly suggested moving closer. The voices of laughter and shouting echoed from outside the room. Just like there was a party.

The door suddenly slammed open, startling the three of us. A man had entered the room with a scrowl and glare. " WAKE UP YOU LITTLE RAT! " He yelled before moving inside the room while closing the door behind him. He went over to the bed and lifted the blanket. A small Ouma was also there. He was fast asleep. The man took a deep breath and slowly lean down to lift sleeping Ouma to take in his scent before placing a hand over his cheek. " Ahh... you look like just like your mother back then... " the guy muttered. Ouma slowly sat up, drowsy.

" D-dad...? "

The guy he called dad seemed to be in daze. He slid his left hand to intertwined it with Ouma's right. His right arm placed on Ouma's left cheek. " Ah darling... Good morning... " He greeted before leaning to capture Ouma's lips. His deep purple eyes swirling in despair. Ouma sadly accepted it and didn't move as his father advanced. He was slightly pushed down.

Ouma let out a dry laugh.
" Are you seriously trying to have sex with your 12 years old son, Dad? " He gave an empty smile as he stared at his Father's despaired purple orbs. " I am a guy after all Dad. " His Dad seemed to snap out of it and covered his mouth.

" You fUCKING little piece of shit! " He cursed and punched Ouma on the left cheek before shuffling out of the bed then the room. " You damn seducing Bitch! Why the fuck are you even alive right now? FUCKING Monster! "

Ouma sat up and held his cheek.
" Psycho. He's the one who wanted it despite having a new woman... " His eyes went over to me and he stood up. Kiibo seeing Ouma's approach blocked our sight from him with arms with open only for Ouma to pass by us and open the closet. He didn't seem to notice our presence than we thought.
" Kyoshi. Stop hiding. "

" Hehe. Surprise! God Dad sure likes to pounce at ya! " He mocked with a mischievous smirk on his lips. He slightly covered it with his palm on the middle. Ouma sighed before hitting his brother on the back of the head. Kyoshi looks more like the present Ouma if you ask me.
" Aren't ya such a slut? "
Ouma eyed him straight in the eyes before sighing. He kicked Kyoshi out of his closet  before heading over to the desk. Kyoshi snickered and head over to wrap his arms around Ouma's shoulders.
" Hey hey! Lets go talk to our stepmother~! "

Ouma flinched before forcing a smile.
" You know we aren't close... Kyoshi... " His eyes landed on the book and he took his pen to scribble on the paper.

" But~! That slut wants to get to know everyone who she'll be family with riiight~?? " Kyoshi's hand slid over Ouma's and with a swift he took the pen away from his brother.
" People are so easy to manipulate when they're so vulnerable and full of Despair. Wouldn't you agree? "

" Ugh!?! " Kyoshi had stabbed Ouma with the pen on the right hand. Ouma tried his best not to cry and distract himself from the pain with his lips as he bit it until it bled. Kyoshi kept giggling.
" I didn't ask for your opinion Kokichi~! I'm the boss here and what I say goes in this house okay~? Neeheehee~! " He smugly stated as close to Ouma's ear as possible before taking a step back, pulling the pen out of his brother's hand.
" There's this show that I've been dying to watch lately~ I've seen dad watch it a lot too! It's a Killing game! "

Ouma's face paled.
" I-I'm not a fan of—" He turned his head away before looking down on his drawing. Blood slowly seeping down the paper from the wound from the pen he had on his hand.
" O-okay... "

" Yaaay~! " He dragged Ouma out of his room.

" Um! Shuichi! The book went blank! " Kiibo called. The detective looked over to the book and flipped the pages. There was nothing written nor scribbled on it like earlier. They were all blank.

" W-what happened? "

『️ Continuation at Momota Kaito's book. 』️

" Next up! Thanks for completing the level~! " The guide appeared suddenly and pulled out a book which soon sucked us all in like a worm hole.

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