【️ Interested 】️

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Shuichi's POV

A sudden gust of wind blew past my face and woke me up. My eyes trained to find lil Ouma almost instantly. He was crying and reaching his arms towards me. I drowsily blinked my eyes and looked down. A could passed me by.

Oh a cloud. That's why it was so cold. We were falling...



『️Ouma Kokichi. Age 12. Second Son. 』️
" Shui—S-Saihara sann!! " He cried out. I stretched my arms towards him but our distance was far too wide for me to reach him. I glanced down to see that the color of trees finally started to show their individual leaves which meant they were getting closer to the ground.

What the hell what the hell what the hell!!!

" SideKICK!! " I looked down to see Kaito.

Kaito's POV

I watched from above as a black hole formed from the sky. Shuichi and the rat baby came falling out of it. I wanted to Catch Shuichi but the baby....

" Kaito! Grab Ouma kun! Please! " He screamed out. I went to catch the baby while Shuichi manged to roughly shorten the impact of his landing. Grabbing a branch from the tree, which broke and landed on his bottom. " ughh... "

I sighed at the safe recovery of the little brat. He blankly stares at the sky while I decided to head over to Shuichi.

*Ping! *
Shuichi instantly sat up and glared at me.
" Shit! Hurry Kaito! Give him to me! " He hastily pulled the little rat away from my arms. He gave Ouma a small smile before mumbling a few words then lifting the Child's hands and turning it so he could press his lips on it. He looked straight and narrowed his eyes into space. I felt oddly worried if he as okay. He clicked his tongue.
" Kaito would you listen to my thoughts for a bit? "

" Of course Sidekick! " I sat criss crossed in front of Shuichi while he placed the brat in between his legs. The child leaned back to rest his head on Shuichi's chest while playing with my sidekick's hands. " What do you want to talk about? "

He nervously looked at little Ouma before focusing at me. " I think what Monokuma is doing... can be to hinder... um Ouma kun's personality. If you think of it this way. That guy did say we can treat him as Ouma kun then what if... This guy is Him and he's reliving all of his memories because of us? If by chance This child.. Ouma kun as he said has secrets in here then it'll cause a negative effect on him. We can't leave this place within completing it but by completing it we're ruining Ouma kun. I don't know what to do! " I watched my Sidekick panic.

I knitted my brows at him.
" Then why would Monokuma try to ruin The gremlin? "

Shuichi placed a hand over his mouth and went deep into thought. " I can assume that  one, Ouma kun had discovered Monokuma's secret. Two, Ouma offended Monokuma. Or Three, Monokuma considers Ouma kun a threat that can get us out of here. "

I snorted at the latter. " Pfft! No way! That lying gremlin isn't that smart for that! He's a compulsive lying idiot. " The little Ouma on Shuichi's side puffed his cheeks while cutely glare at me.
*Ping! *
Shuichi's eyes went serious while he eyed me. He looked down to Ouma and smiled.

" Ouma kun. Can you please let me check? "

Ouma giggled and lifted his hand, covering Shuichi's mouth. Shuichi didn't seem to mind the rough gesture the little guy did as he grabbed Ouma's hand and flipped it over to kiss the back of it. Despite hearing that guy tell sidekick about the way to open the stats so he could monitor this child, it still looks embarrassing and weird. Shuichi looked straight into the nothingness then soon after he chuckled.
" Ouma kun is still Ouma kun alright. "

" Hm? What's with the gremlin? " Shuichi shook his head and looked away, still smiling.

" I guess you also can't see it. " He nod his head as if confirming something. With a look infront of him he placed a hand over his chin. " I'm guessing that I'm really the only one who'd be able to see this but why me? Does this have anything to do with the error? Or was if because Ouma was more playful with me than the others? Perhaps the mastermind has some sort of thing with me and Ouma? "

" we should really— " My eyes glanced to the side seeing a bridge over the river out of no where. The lil rat was staring at that direction if I recall. " Woah woah woah?! " I yelled before getting on my feet to sprint over with all my effort. Someone who looks like me held a guy over the bridge.

" Kaito?! " Shuichi called out before carrying the child with him as he ran after me. When we get there I stopped just in time as he turned to look over to me. The poor guy he was holding by the neck looked so scared and out of it. He was crying and shaking like a leaf.

I opened my mouth. " Ouma? " My voice didn't come out instead it sounded like Shuichi's. I looked behind me seeing two Shuichi's. One was holding the lil rat while the other had a hat over his head standing in between us. " I'd advice you not to do that if I were you. " He spoke yellow eyes glinting with intention.

" I'm not scared of a wuss like you. Now go back to your mommy. "

This Shuichi smirked at this violent me before rampaging for something in his pocket. He pulled out a pocket knife. " I'd like if you go running away instead. I have business with him. "

The violent me clicked his tongue before smirking. " Oh. Whoops. " He dropped the guy down the river with a loud splash

" Ouma Kun?! "

Lil rat started to cough and wheeze which made Shuichi more frightened. He ran down the bridge and tried to find the guy.
Was that actually the gremlin?

" Thanks. I'll go ahead and find him. " This timeline's Shuichi spoke with a smile while putting his knife sway in his pocket. He skipped down to the end of the bridge. He looked down the water and smiled.

" Tck. " This violent me clicked his tongue before walking away. " He can die for all I care. I'm the one winning that show. "

A head popped out of the water and the guy tried to breathe in as much air into his lungs. Shuichi sighed and this timeline's Shuichi as well. Oddly enough they both stretched their hands at the same direction seemingly having their hands merge into one. " Hello. My name is Saihara Shuichi. " They both stated.

What the ducks happening??

Lil rat started to back away from the water with teary eyes while this other guy got pulled out of the water by those two. " You're Ouma Kyoshi right? "

Shuichi pulled away shock painting his features. I head down to him and saw him kiss that small rat's hand again. Sidekick was thinking again before sighing.
" I-I'm Ouma K-kokichi... " His voice sounded so weak and frightened like a small creature being eyed by the larger prey.

" Ah. Dang. Thought I was right. "
Ouma sighed in exhaustion. Shuichi handing him a towel to dry himself with. He dried his hair surprisingly the purple on his hair went to white. He didn't seem to notice.
" You have a fascinating hair color. " He complimented. Ouma blushed before tugging his locks to check what he meant. His face paled.

" I-I'm not weird okay! T-this is my natural hair color! "

With a hum, Shuichi squatted down to meet him by the eyes. He smirked. " You look so frightened. Poor thing. " He said before patting his head. Ouma seemed to blush harder as he leaned to the touch. This time it was Shuichi's turn to blush. " You're so cute."

" I- uh... Um t-thank you? "

" He'll leave him. " a voice inside my head spoke. Their words echoing in my head like a broken record. " Shuichi will never like him. "

『️ Changing Scenarios... 』️

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