Chapter 20 : The Dread

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"Axel! Slow down!", I say, in order for me and Uncle Leo to catch up to him. Axel promptly slows down to match our pace.

"What did you do in the interrogation chamber?" I ask, but Axel remains silent as we walk down the corridor.

"Seriously buddy, I thought you must have explained everything to her", says Uncle Leo.

"I did say that few of my abilities are creepy", retorts Axel. Ahh! I do recall him saying something like that.

"Wait! It is one of your abilities!?" I asked, quite shocked by the revelation.

"Yes! It is called 'Dread'. It basically creates an illusion in the target's mind, depending on their fears, regrets and guilt. All I have to do is stare at him and say 'Dread' in my mind and it will do its job. But I can only use this when I am stationary, so it is not good for combat".

"What did you show him?" I ask curiously. Axel looks at me with his onyx eyes and I thank Supreme again for turning his eyes red for that exact moment, just to remind me not to keep staring at them. "I don't know what he saw, but whatever it was, it must have been​ very terrifying", he replies back. We keep walking until we reach Uncle's office. We are about to enter when we hear a voice behind us say, "Commander Leonardo Duncan, it's a pleasure seeing you here". We turn around and see a man standing behind us. From the way he stands, to the way he has styled his long natural-white hair and to the clothes he's wearing​, it's clear that he is a Noble.

"Mr. Giovanni, I work here. What did you expect? A cucumber?" snorts Uncle Leo. One of the things I admired about Uncle Leo is that he doesn't give a crap about your social status, that is, unless you are the king of the Solumra Empire. While other officers would drool over and lick the shoes of the nobles, Uncle Leo and his brigade are just different. I consider Kace, Axel, Lucia and Adrian lucky to be related to such a cool person.

"Stingy as always, huh? Well, I am here to ask about my wagon, which went missing three days ago. I am sure that I have reported it", says Mr. Giovanni. When he mentions "wagon", I quickly realise who he is. He is Herald Giovanni, the head of Giovanni Noble family and a group of industries which specialise mainly in delivery and transportation. Heck, 50% of the taxis' in Crux are under him.

"Well, Mr. Giovanni. I am the Commander of the Capturing Brigade, not the Retrieving Brigade. And before you say anything about me being the Commander of the Information Brigade, I have already asked my officers to relay any information regarding your wagon to the Retrieving Brigade. You can go and ask them", informs Uncle Leo and then he looks at the warrior who brought us to Crux and says, "Ivan, my boy. Come here".

Ivan walks in his direction, gives the salute and says, "Yes, Sir! How can I help you?"

"At ease, Ivan. Will you please escort Mr. Giovanni to the Department of Retrieving Brigade?"

"Yes, Sir! It would be my honour" and he escorts the Noble out of the room, with the latter mumbling about how tight and disciplined Uncle Leo's brigade is. When they are out of sight, Uncle Leo dramatically drops on the floor and says, "That guy is a pain in the ass", and lets out a long sigh. Then he gets up and says, "I have already sent a word to the woman about you guys staying at our place tonight, and she has no intentions on holding back. We will head out once we finish our paperwork", and he walks into his office. I am about to enter when I notice that Axel hasn't spoken a word and is still looking in the direction of Noble, suspiciously.

"What's wrong, Axel?" I ask, concerned.

"That man's aura... Never mind. I am thinking too much", he replies, giving a soft smile.

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