The Green Rose

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-Listen, this is a really old story. It didnt deserve as much fame as it received. But im keeping it up because some of you genuinely enjoyed it. It's cringey, so any comments making fun of it honestly wont bother me. Anyways, if you're going to keep reading you've been warned its cringey-

~In Music Room#3~

Kyoya Ootori was typing away on his lap top, like usual, ignoring the yelling that was coming from behind him. Tamaki was yelling at the twins because they were to close to Haruhi. Kyoya sighed, trying to focus on his work. He noticed that some had stopped coming to the club, it was only a handful of girls but it still made his worried.

"Calm, down sempai," Haruhi said to Tamaki. Kyoya looked over at the scene. He stared at Haruhi for a while. He had to think of something that'll get those few people back.

His eyes widened. "Tamaki," He called the 'king' over. Tamaki looked behind his shoulder at Kyoya and smiled. "Yes, mommy?" Kyoya pushed up his glasses. "I realize that a handful of people stopped coming to the club these past few days." Tamaki's eyes widened. "But, I do have a idea."

"Tell me!" Tamaki said, his purple eyes lighting up. "Females come because our host club has all males, maybe if we have a new female member males will come to the host club." Tamaki froze for a second, thinking about it. He smiled. "Of course! But who?"

"A friend of mine." He said. Tamaki tilted his head. "I'll call her today, see what she says." The truth is, Kyoya was nervous. He wasnt friends with any other girls except Haruhi, nor trusted any other girls. But (Y/n), she was his friend and he trusted her. Thing is, Kyoya hasn't talked to her in 6 month's. (Y/n)'s mother owns a famous clothing line and Kyoya sometimes stops by to say hello. He hears about you from your mother, though he wished he was talking to you.

Tamaki walked over to the others when Kyoya, once again, started typing on his laptop. Tamaki knew that it meant he was done talking.

"What were you talking about, Tama-chan?" Honey ask's in his cute, childish voice. He smiled. "Nothing really, Honey sempai." He didn't want to tell the others yet, he didn't know if you would say yes or not.

~Your POV~

You sigh. A boring day, like always. You sat on your bed, looking up at the white ceiling. You didn't have nothing to do. You wanted to talk to someone. You felt so. . .alone.

Your phone rings and you quickly pick it up, not checking to see who it is. "Hello?" You ask into the phone.

"Hello, (Y/n), its been a while, hasn't it?" Your eyes widened. You know that voice. "K-Kyoya?" You were surprised but happy. You missed your friend. "Yes, it is me, (Y/n). How have you been?"  "Good." You replied, trying to keep calm. But all you wanted to do was yell happily and jump up and down. You're friend calls and talks to you after 6 months. You supposed it was both your faults though, because you both could've called each other. "Thats good (Y/n), anyways, I called because I was going to ask you something." "Huh? Oh, okay, what is it?" You ask. "Well, a club I am in, some arent coming to it anymore." Kyoya sighed. "I am starting to get worried, you see.  .  ." You listened as Kyoya explained what the club does and his idea to make more students come. "So, will you help the club (Y/n)?I am not going to force you if you dont want to." He said.

You thought for a moment. It sounded fun. The Host Club sounds great actually. You were sick of staying home, bored all the time, with no one to talk to. You smiled. "Of course. I'll be at Ouran on Thursday." You knew your parents would be okay with it because Ouran High school is where rich students go and you were helping Kyoya, who they both loved like a son. "Thank you. I cant wait to catch up."  "Me too, Kyo."

~On Thursday~

You walk down the hall of Ouran High School

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You walk down the hall of Ouran High School. As you excepted, your parents agreed that you could help him. You lived 2 hours away from the high school, so Kyoya let you stay with him and his family. Since the Kyoya family loved you like a daughter, they happily excepted.

Kyo told you over the phone where the Host Club was. Music Room #3. This place was big but luckily Kyo told you how to get to the music room from the entrance. And he had called this morning to remind you.

You wore black pants and a red turtle neck. You held on to a suitcase since you were going to stay with Kyo for a while.

As you pass students they stare at you, whispering. 'Is she a model?' you heard and 'Wow, she's beautiful.'

~With The Host Club~

"Listen! Everyone! As you have heard, some are not showing up to our club as they use to too. But dont worry! A friend of Kyoya's is helping us." Tamaki said. "Try not to make her uncomfortable." The 'king' stared at the twins.

"Sir, yes, sir!" The club saluted. Like on que, someone knocked on the door.

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