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((Just a cute picture of Honey senpai cause this chapter pretty sad ;-;))

You frowned, your heart throbbing.

!Lets continue shall we!

~A week later~

As you were handling the customer's you kept glancing at Kaoru, who's been ignoring you. You try to talk to him in class but he acts like he doesn't hear you. Every time you call for him in the hall ways he rushes away. He doesn't even talk to you in the group chat.

You didn't know what you did. The more he ignores you the more your heart ached. The more you felt in pain. Aaron could tell there was something wrong with you, but you didn't tell him. You couldn't tell him.

Before you knew it, the Host Club was over. You started to walk towards Kaoru but he quickly walked out of the club. You sighed sadly, blinking back tears. "Hey, (Y/n)! Wanna walk home with me?" Aaron asked. "Sorry, but I'm temporarily living with Kyoya. I go home with him." You said. Before he could ask any more questions you run out of the room.

You saw Kaoru and Hikaru walking down the hall, which made the tears you were holding back fall down your cheeks. He said he wouldn't be like your parents an leave you. But he's been ignoring you for a week! You ran past them. You should've known better.

~At home~

You were crying into your pillow. Why did he make you feel this way? Why? It felt like a thousand bullets were shooting at your heart, none of them missing.

You knew the answer. You didn't know how, but,

you liked him.

You couldn't escape that fact. You felt hurt, sad, disappointed, angry.


You ignored the knock at your door, you assumed it was Kyoya. You haven't eaten yet an you knew he was worried. He kept knocking on your door every few minutes, till you told him to leave you alone. You got up an locked the door. "(Y/n)?" A voice asked.


You didn't answer.

"(Y/n), come on, answer." Hikaru knocked on the door again. "Please, Hikaru, leave me alone." You said, turning away from the door. "No, I'm trying to help you an my brother, so please open the door."

You sighed an got up. What does he mean help Kaoru? And you? You opened the door an Hikaru quickly came in. "You can come in I guess. . ." You mumbled an closed the door.

Hikaru sat on your bed. "Listen I-" He stares at you for a second. "Have you been crying?" He asks softly. You wipe at your eyes. "N-No, what do you want Hikaru?"

He looked over at your pillow, which was drenched in tears. There were dents where your face was. He looked back at you but you quickly looked away.

You opened your mouth to say something but quickly closed it. It was silent for a few moments. You were surprised when you felt warm arms wrap around you. Amber hair brushed against your cheek.

Hikaru was hugging you?!

"Please listen, my brother is just being a jerk. He's hurt, thats why he is ignoring you." Hikaru said. Kaoru's hurt? "W-Why is he hurt?"

Hikaru sighed. "Because of Aaron. He's jealous. . ."Hikaru looked at the ground. "I shouldn't tell you this but, Kaoru likes you, a lot more then you think."

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