The Beach (Pt 2)

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Trying to fight, trying to breath, but was only met with darkness.

!Lets continue shall we!

"HARUHI!" Tamaki yelled as the guy threw her off the cliff. Tamaki dived into the water, quickly grabbing her wrist and pulling her out.

He picked her up bridal style and climbed out of the water. "Boss!" The twins yelled. "Haruhi-chan!" Honey yelled as well.

"I called a doctor." Kyoya said, pushing up his glasses. The girl in Tamaki's arms sighed. "I dont need a doctor." She set herself on the soft sand and looked around. "Where is (Y/n) senpai?"

Everyone looked at Haruhi, wondering the same thing. "YOU GUYS DIDN'T GET HER?!" Haruhi screeched. She ran to the water. "(Y/n)!" She yelled, searching the water. The Host's eyes widened and they all got in the water, searching for their missing friend.

~Kaoru's pov~

We all started searching the water. I couldn't believe I forgot about (Y/n). I was so caught up with Haruhi today that I forgot. I just wanted to see (Y/n)'s smile then go home and rest. Today was tiresome.

I needed to find her. The thought of her dead made my heart drop. I just needed her. She was like my air. I need her.

I want her.

I searched through the water more frantically. "Come on (Y/n), where are you?!" I shout, diving in and out of the water. A hand placed on my shoulder and I turned around to see it was Hiakru. "We'll find her, alive, and smiling."

I smiled a little and nodded. He was right. (Y/n) was strong and always had a smile on her face. No matter the situation. 

~3rd person pov~

Mori came out of moments later carrying unconscious (Y/n). "(Y/n)!!!!" Everyone yells happily. They get out of the water, Mori setting (Y/n) on the sand.

"(Y/n)?" Kaoru asked touching your arm. He gasps and quickly pulls away. "Whats wrong?" Haruhi asked. "She's like ice." Kaoru stated.

Kyoya set his glasses in the sand. He then bent down and kissed her, staring to give her CPR. Everyone gasp's. But Kaoru feels something else then shock.


He knew he shouldn't be feeling this way since Kyoya is trying to save (Y/n)'s life. But he wanted to be the one to kiss her. He shook his head. No, he's giving her CPR. He's saving her!

~A Few Days Later~

 He's saving her!~A Few Days Later~

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~Your pov~





Your eyes fluttered open. You stared up at a bright light. Were you dead? You took a deep breath looking around. You were surprised when you saw the twins sitting in two seats next to you. They were talking quietly to themselves.

"G-Guys?" My voice croaked.

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