Camping (4/4)

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"Woah, wait a minute!!" Hacket yelled after you. Though you didnt turn back as you kept running.

~Lets continue shall we~

You and the Host Club were all packing up, ready to leave. Though they didn't have as much fun as they'd wanted they decided the you couldn't handle it and to be honest, you really couldn't.

You never knew you had a phobia out the wild, this some how surprised you, in a odd way. Of course, you didn't get out often. You were always looking for adventure, so yeah, you kinda had a right to be surprised.

You sighed, getting in after Karou and staring down at your hands, feeling like you ruined the whole trip for everyone. You rubbed your legs, which had hundreds of little red dots on them from where the leaches attacked you.

You leaned back, looking out the window as the rest of the Host Club looked over at you, all were silent. They could sense something was wrong. Karou hugged you gently, "Something wrong?" He murmured in your ear.

You shivered some, looking over at him an nodding as a small smile formed on your face. "Yeah! I'm just bummed the trip ended early," You lied, looking back out the window.

~Timeskip to the next Saturday~

You sighed, fidgeting and pulling at your fingers as you sat in your room, bored as can be. You didnt know what to do, nor did you really want to bother Kyoya or anyone else.

Leaning back, there was a knock at your door. You quickly sat up, going over and opening the door with a bright smile, "Yes?" You asked, looking up as you were eye to eye with Karou. "Love!" You hugged him tightly, burying your head in his chest.

Man, did he come at the right time!

||This book is about coming to a end! Well, not only have a lost inspiration but I've lost motive to continue writing my x readers. So there shall be 3 or 4 chapters left, the next chapter is the end and the others are going to be bonus~|| 

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