Camping(Part 3/4)

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As the Host Club agreed to look tomorrow a figure stood over (Y/n)'s sleeping body. As they slowly dragged her away by the wrists.

~Lets continue shall we~

~3rd person pov~

Hours. The Host club have been searching for (Y/n) for hours and the troops haven't found her (Y/N) either. There was no sign of her. It was like the female had disappeared. Vanished in thin air.

"Dammit!!" Hikaru punched a tree in utter anger. "Where the hell is she?!" Kaoru asked, worried tears streaming down his face.

"Everyone calm down, the troops are doing the best they can to find her," Kyoya answered, his face expressionless. Though deep down Kyoya was worrying just as much as everyone else was. Probably even more then Kaoru.

"She's going to be fine!" Honey said, reassuring everyone. "(Y/n)-chan is strong! She'll come back with a bright smile on her face like she always does!!" Honey cheered.

Kyoya chuckled, amused, glancing over at the club president whom was staring off into space. Kyoya then sighed.

Kaoru looked around frantically, desperate to find (Y/n). He looked behind trees, under rocks, and even under the cabin.

"Kaoru, I know you're worried and I am too but do you really think she's going to be under there?" Aaron sighed heavily.

~Your pov~

You woke up to a dim light, groaning in pain, looking around your surroundings. You then realized that you were in a new cabin..

You pulled the blanket that was on your legs off you, seeing they were bandaged up as well as your arms. "...Huh...." You muttered, rubbing your head.

"Ah, you're awake." A voice said. You jumped, looking over to see a tall, dirty male with a pure black bandanna. He wore a black tank top with a camo jacket around his waist. He had dirty blond hair with bright orange eyes.

"Who are you?" You asked, your face scrunched up with utter confusion. The male chuckled. "Your savior, princess."

You rolled your eyes, though smiled. "Thanks, though seriously, who are you?"

He shrugged, "Hacket." He replied. You giggled. "Thats a interesting name..I'm (Y/n)." You replied, gazing up at him.

He was taller and just looking at him send's shivers down your spin. He looked intimidating. Sorta like a killer in a horror movie. He left off a eerie vibe and you did not like that at all. Though you appreciated that he patched you up.

"Beautiful name, though how did a pretty lady like you end up so deep in the woods?" Hacket asked bluntly, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly.

You smiled at his kindness. "Ah, well," You then explained the leaches and how you ran. Then you explained tripping. "And, well, I guess you found me and brought me here," You then tapped your chin thoughtfully. "....How long was I out for..?" You asked suddenly.

Hacket chuckled. "A day..well, its 1pm right now, noon."

You suddenly panicked you were out for a day..

"I need to get going!!" You shot up, rushing outside.

"Woah, wait a minute!!" Hacket yelled after you. Though you didnt turn back as you kept running.

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