Movie Sleepover//Darkness

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(F/b)=Favorite Book

You had a lot of fun with the twins.

!Lets continue shall we!

~The Next Day~

It was about 6pm, you were sitting on your bed, reading (F/b), when your phone dinged. You looked over to see it was the Host Club's group chat.

King (Tamaki): I'm bored :(

You chuckled and started to type something when your phone dinged again.

Kaoru: Me and Hikaru are too

Haruhi: I dont want to go anywhere. I want to stay home.

Kyoya: How about we watch movies at my residence, that way Haruhi can stay comfortable in a home and we all have something to do. 

Haruhi: Alright, sounds good with me

Honey-sempai: Me and Takashi are coming too!

King (Tamaki): Why Mommy's house :(

Hikaru: Because he has a bigger tv, boss

Kaoru: I agree

King (Tamaki): I have a big tv too!

You stared at your phone and smiled. These weirdos. It was silent for a while, so you decided to break it.

(Y/n): See you guys soon!


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You put on a frilly tank top and shorts they were (F/c). (I know in the picture the clothes are pink, but some are like me, and dont like pink, so they're your favorite color.) You got Oscar *Picture above* and a blanket. You made your down stairs. You held Oscar against your chest and allowed the blanket to drag behind you as you held it with one hand.

You heard talking from the living room. The hosts are here already? You ask yourself as you made your way to the living room. You stopped in the door way to see the others there. Mori and Honey were sitting on the couch,  Honey sitting on Mori's lap, eating a piece of cake. Haruhi was reading a book on the floor. Kyoya was typing on his lap top on the other end of the couch. The twins were looking through the different movies. You noticed that all of them wore pajama's as well and there was book bags,blankets, and pillows on the floor. You assumed this turned into a sleep over

"(Y/n)-chan! You look so cute!" Honey said, smiling. (If Honey sempai says you look cute then you know you're looking cute.) Everyone turns toward you. You glanced at Kaoru to see his eyes wide, you could see his cheeks were dusted with pink. You smiled as you realized he was blushing.

Tamaki engulfed you in a hug. "My sweet little girl! You're so adorable!" He rubbed his cheek against yours. You giggled. "Thanks Tamaki."

"Why cant you wear something like this?" He asked Haruhi. She looked at your out fit and shrugged. "It wouldn't suit me." Haruhi then went back to reading. You giggled and made your way over to the twins. You dropped your blanket in the middle of the floor but held onto Oscar. You sat between the twins, who were sitting on the floor. "So what movie are we going to watch?"

"Hm, this one." Kaoru said, selecting the movie. Tamaki shut the lights off as the maids brought snacks. There was a bowl of cheesy popcorn in front of you, some chips, and Pringles. You and the twins shared the snack as you all watched the movie. 

~2 movies later~

The others were fast asleep, even Hikaru. Well, except you and Kaoru. "I cant believe they fell asleep already." Kaoru said. You giggled. "I'm surprised Hikaru fell asleep."

Kaoru nodded. "Everyone's snoring to loudly, wanna go upstairs and talk?" You giggled and nodded. You and Kaoru got up, you held onto Oscar. Kaoru grabbed your hand as you made your way upstairs. You blushed and went to your room.

Kaoru dropped your hand as you turned on the light. You sat on the end of your bed, Kaoru sitting beside you. "So you brought Oscar along?" Kaoru asked, looking down at the yellow cat in your arms. 

You nodded. "I told you I was going to love him forever." You smiled as did Kaoru. "I'm glad." He said, he sat back a bit, holding himself up with his arms. You nodded. "I will take care of him, you gave him to me, so he's special, and I wont let anything happen to him."

Kaoru smiled at you and you smiled back. It was silent for a while before Kaoru cleared his throat. "So, what's your family like?"

You smiled. "They're great. Dad is funny and trustworthy. Mom is caring and calm. They barley get mad at me. But," my smile faltered and Kaoru looked at you. "they have to work so much. They barley have time to even say hello to me. I think last time we had family dinner was when I was 8. I try to talk to them but they always say they have to go. I feel like I'm left behind in the dark. I feel alone. I dont have no one to go to with problems or advice." You sighed sadly, looking down at the ground. "I suppose it is stuipd. I guess you think that I'm selfish for wanted my parents attention."

Kaoru shook his head and did something you never excepted. He hugged you.

"No, its not selfish. You're just lonely. You need someone there for you that you can tell them your problems and feelings. I'll be with you. I wont leave you. You can count on me. You can trust me with your problems and feelings and I wont judge."

You couldn't help but to cry. Over those 8 years you wanted someone to say that to you. You were waiting for someone to rescue from the darkness. You were waiting for someone who would understand you. You were waiting for someone you could talk to. You were waiting for someone who would listen to your problems and hug you and say 'everything is going to be okay'. 

"Its okay." Kaoru cooed. "I'm here for you."

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